Want a new career? Try cyber security

In 2014, the number of high-profile data breaches will reach epic proportions. In fact, there were nearly 700 data breaches already reported this year. That’s a 27-plus percent increase over the same period last year, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. By some counts, shoppers are becoming accustomed to the headlines over credit card data thefts and showing less...

Hands-on path to peace

Talk of war and peace concluded the Trends Research Institute’s fall conference in Kingston, NY, earlier this month. 

It wasn’t water cooler or bar talk; it was structured, meaningful and driven. We talked about the new age of endless war. We talked about the suffering to come, the destruction around the bend. And we talked about how easy it is...

From the editor…final thoughts

In my student days, I was fascinated by the muckrakers, those turn of the (20th) century investigative reporters — such as Upton Sinclair, Ida M. Tarbell, and Lincoln Steffens — who exposed social ills, corporate shenanigans and political corruption. They were at the head of the pack of watchdog journalists and their stories, often years in the making, effecting real...

Agequake trend growing strong

The Trends Research Institute has provided unique perspectives on critical aspects of the global aging trend, including how creativity, entrepreneurism and morality will grow even more important in old age. As the institute prepares its trends forecast for 2015, the focus on aging will underscore the growing signs of how aging, for many, will become more and more a journey...

My three dinner guests

I’m sure you’ve all heard of this little game , where you’re asked what 3 dinner guests you’d like to invite to a meal if you could chose any 3 guests whether they currently be from this present era or not. I have to say, I’m not very good at this game because I never choose Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, or...

Unprecidented exploration in Albania for 370-500MM light oil discovery

In Albania a fascinating exploration project is underway. As you know Albania is only a short distance across the Adriatic sea to Italy. On the Italian side several kilometers below the surface, 80,000 BBLs of Oil flow from only 30 wells or thereabouts. More importantly the decline rates are rather minimal due unique carbonate geology, high pressures and above average...

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster moved to Sweden

Dear Gerald, There’s a pile of ridiculous articles out there claiming Putin is paranoid. Yet one fussy photo from a $2 camera of a “white bump” in the waters off Sweden and the Swedes mobilize a massive hunt using the navy and air force. Then the feedback mechanism pumps more BS in a loop for multiple sitings by the “public”...

Steady decline of oil tells a deeper trend line

As we put the final touches on the fall 2014 edition of the Trends Journal, the markets were beginning to show significant declines and erratic performance. As we reported this summer, the decline in oil prices was a significant sign of economic weakening in some sectors. In fact, Brent crude was trading at the lowest price since 2010 in mid-October....

Gassing America – Poisoning the Poor – 34 million 36 years – Federal Code

Gerald, because attempts were made to stop me from testifying and exposing this crime in DC, I have been left nearly blind, so I simply ask you to see my already written findings of facts and disclosure provided in my website http://GassingAmerica.com (aka htp://PoisoningThePoor.com or http://ManufacturedMurder.com etc) based upon my initial diagnosis and discovery recorded in http://LicenseToKill.us and http://DanielInTheLionsDen.us. Even...

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