Whether categorized as “side effects,” “adverse reactions,” or simply “the dark sides of vax”—actually, one of Trends Journal‘s articles on the topic bore that very title; see “THE DARK SIDES OF VAX” (24 Aug 2021) —there’s plenty of negativity associated with the COVID vaccines, and plenty of reasons to distrust the official mantra that “The vaccines are safe and effective.”
The alleged safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccines has been the topic of numerous Trends Journal articles, and in case you missed them or care to revisit them, here’s a partial suggested reading list:

Now comes a report, from on 12 December, that documents from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (and recently released under the Freedom of Information Act) reveal that, by the time Pfizer’s vaccine was made available (on an “emergency” basis) worldwide, the vaccine had been responsible for some 160,000 adverse reactions.
The majority of those reactions were noted in persons in the U.S. between 31 and 50 years old. Along with incidences of heart failure, strokes and epilepsy there were 25,000 nervous system disorders, 17,000 musculoskeletal disorders and 14,000 gastrointestinal disorders. A variety of autoimmune disorders were included, as well as “spontaneous abortions”. There were also 1223 deaths. notes that the current toll of deaths following vaccination with Pfizer’s vaccine stands, as of 12 December, at 3,300, and while some believe not all can be conclusively linked to the vaccine, others believe that deaths, as well as adverse effects, are underreported. 
The FDA says that to release all 451,000 pages that informed its decision to approve the Pfizer jab could take until 2096. also reports that a South African study shows that the Pfizer vaccine is up to 40 times less effective against the Omicron variant of COVID-19 than against earlier variants, but Pfizer expects to have an Omicron-specific vaccine available by March 2022; meanwhile, the U.S. government continues to say that vaccines are the way to defeat COVID-19, and Pfizer’s CEO advises that a fourth shot is now advisable to keep up individual immunity levels; see “PFIZER’S COVID JAB: JOKESTER’S WILD” (14 Dec 2021). 
TREND FORECAST: First it was two jabs, then three; see “PFIZER CEO: THIRD TIME IS A CHARM” (20 Apr 2021); now it’s four. The Drug Lords’ (and the government’s) long-term plan is “Vaccines for Everyone, in Perpetuity”; see “NO LETUP IN SURGE OF VAX BIZ REVENUES” (3 Aug 2021). 
Nothing, least of all revelations of “what the Drug Lords (and the government) knew about the vaccines, and when they knew it,” revelations that clearly put the lie to the “safe and effective” mantrawill be permitted to derail or undermine that plan.

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