Tag: spring2015

Home spring2015

Peace and Prosperity conference details

REGISTRATION Conference space is limited, so don’t delay. Registration is now open to the general public. Cost: The cost is $900 per participant for subscribers and $1,050 for nonsubscribers. Fees are due at registration, and are non-refundable. Meals Your registration fee includes food and cocktails Thursday evening; breakfast and lunch on Friday; and breakfast, lunch and dinner...


Peace and Prosperity

Join Gerald Celente, invited speakers, Trends Research Institute analysts and Trends Journal subscribers from all over the world at a special three-day conference dedicated to peace — and culminating in the unveiling of the institute’s Occupy Peace initiative. The Peace and Prosperity conference will explore the dynamics and root causes of America’s — and much...


Patriotism 2.0

The path to the future lies before us. For the awake and alive that stop, look and listen to what in the world is going on, the trend is crystal clear.  The path paved by today’s entrenched political Mafiosi, central-bank charlatans and military madmen will lead to a continuing erosion of personal freedoms, declining living...


The Presidential Reality Show

It’s The Greatest Show on Earth: The Presidential Reality Show. In 18 months, Americans will go to the polls to cast ballots for a “lesser of two evils” to lead the greatest nation of “exceptionals” to more economic ruin and endless war. Tracking trends is the understanding of where we are and how we got here, all...


Silicon Valley the new Wall Street?

There’s no question more people on Earth use Google than bank with JPM Chase. But in March, when news broke of Google’s slew of cozy meet-and-greets with various White House officials, the real question became whether Google and Silicon Valley are the new JPM Chase and Wall Street in terms of political power plays.  The...


Energy’s next challenge

The world’s energy future is painted in pictures of solar panels and fuel cells, but the story will be told in the language of storage  —  the cylinders, tanks and boxes where we can put the energy these evolving technologies will produce in abundance. Right now, the demand for energy storage outstrips supply. It’s even...


Where there’s smoke…

Marijuana’s legalization makes for popular politics, but research on weed urges caution. Though it has shown an ability to ease pain and blunt symptoms of several chronic illnesses, ingesting marijuana, like alcohol, can be dangerous for some — and downright dire for teens, children and fetuses.   First, let’s admit there’s a lot to like,...


Legalizing weed means regulation, taxes, unfair competition

Mother Nature gave us the seed for the weed — and soon it will land in the hands of government regulators, politicians and their lobbyists, giant corporations and Big Pharma. There are many analysts who believe tough hurdles still exist, that America may not being going to pot as fast as many believe.  But there’s...


Police brutality: Is it the American way?

In the military, soldiers police citizens in occupied foreign lands. They need little excuse or provocation to exert army might. Keep the populace in line. If you’re running, it’s assumed you’re guilty. That solider has a right to pursue, subdue and even kill. That’s what the military does — target, attack, seize and control. The...


A prescription for peace and prosperity

The question is often asked: “What can we do?” Here is a prescription for peace and prosperity. We begin with prosperity, because prosperity can contribute to peace. Sometimes governments begin wars to distract from unpromising economic prospects; internal political stability also can be dependent on prosperity. The road to prosperity For the United States to return to...

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