Americans can now add “dampened sex drives” to the list of pandemic blues.
On 8 April, the research website StudyFinds.org wrote:
“Fifty-six percent of Americans agree that their anxiety about the state of the world had a negative impact on their sex life last year.
Roughly the same number (55%) add that stress resulting from work or job-seeking has dampened their sex drive during the coronavirus pandemic.”
Almost 60 percent of those citing problems overall due to increased anxiety had less sex than the year before.
The survey conducted by OnePoll showed almost 75 percent experiencing an increase in “performance anxiety.” The same percentage confirmed that this issue was having a serious effect on their mental well-being:
“Seventy-three percent of all respondents wish they had more spontaneous sex. However, 56 percent say they are too much ‘in their head’ about sex to enjoy new things the first time they try them.”
Long-Term Libido Loss
On 16 June, the Trends Journal published the article, “SEX DRIVE STALLING,” in which we wrote:
The diminishing sexual appetite resulting from the young and the free sheltered-in-place was already declining in the U.S. before the nation was locked down.
A study published last Friday by researchers at San Diego State University, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found that between 2016 and 2018, the percentage of 18- to 24-year-old Americans surveyed who were sexually inactive jumped from around 19 percent to 31 percent. About one of every three men in this category said they had no sex at all during the last 12 months.
This is said to be part of a trend that young people in the U.S. need a longer period to mature into adulthood.
Go back a year ago when the media and politicians began selling the COVID War. The first thing the frightened public did was run to the store to buy not only toilet paper but also sanitizer chemicals to make sure they wiped clean everything they touched. 
In May 2020, we published the article, “SPREADING FEAR, IGNORING FACTS,” in which we reported that the CDC had reversed its position regarding the dangers of contracting the coronavirus by touching infected surfaces. We quoted Dr. John Whyte, Chief Medical Officer for WEBMD who commented on the CDC’s new position:
“Many people were concerned that by simply touching an object they may get coronavirus, and that’s simply not the case. Even when a virus may stay on a surface, it doesn’t mean that it’s actually infectious.”
Earlier, last 21 April, we published an article titled, “PSYCHOTIC BREAKDOWN, TOTAL CONTROL.” In this article, we reported on an extensive study in Germany showing transmission was not a result of touching surfaces:
To show how the mainstream media filters out not deadly news about the virus and magnifies frightening, exaggerated estimates and predictions, try finding a network, cable news channel, or major U.S. newspaper reporting on the results from Professor Hendrick Streeck, Director of the Institute of Virology at the University Bonn in Germany, who stated in an interview, “There have been NO proven infections while shopping or at the hairdressers.”
Dr. Streeck is leading a research team in one of Germany’s hardest-hit COVID-19 areas. In one home where family members have tested positive, no live virus could be found on any surface, which raises major questions about how the virus spreads.
Out of Touch, OK to Touch
Last Thursday, the New York Times article, “Has the Era of Overzealous Cleaning Finally Come to an End?” confirms what the Trends Journal reported a year ago: the coronavirus transmits through the air, not from touching objects, and it is wasteful to keep sanitizing objects and hard surfaces.
The Times was among the chief spreaders of fear last year when the virus first hit the states, warning that “experts” were convinced the coronavirus spread through large respiratory droplets that could cling to surfaces, leading to compulsive hand-sanitizing, scrubbing, and glove protection:
“Americans responded in kind, they reported, wiping down groceries, quarantining mail and clearing drugstore shelves of Clorox wipes. Facebook closed two of its offices for a “deep cleaning.” New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority began disinfecting subway cars every night.”
The New York Times article acknowledges that last summer, a microbiologist at Rutgers University, Dr. Emanuel Goldman, wrote that “This is a virus you get by breathing. It’s not a virus you get by touching.”
Last Monday, the CDC stated on its website that “each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection.”
To make the point as clear as possible, Linsey Marr, an expert on airborne viruses at Virginia Tech, told the NYT:
“We’ve known this for a long time and yet people are still focusing so much on surface cleaning. There’s really no evidence that anyone has ever gotten Covid-19 by touching a contaminated surface.”
TRENDPOST: Why has it taken almost a year for this important fact to be effectively communicated? During this time lag, obsession with deep cleaning forced the closing of parks and playgrounds around the country, as well as libraries. Excessive anxiety over touching the virus affected even the simple act of borrowing someone’s pencil. 
Yet, only recently have schools and businesses been informed that there’s no need to deep clean constantly. Joseph Allen, who specializes in safe buildings at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, was direct: “This should be the end of deep cleaning.”

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