Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin said in an interview last week she has concern the coronavirus outbreak and subsequent lockdowns that cause financial hardships could lead to an increase in interest of populist parties across Europe.

Marin, who has championed her country’s social policies, which have been admired by U.S. politicians such as Senator Bernie Sanders, told the Financial Times that lockdowns could create a “breeding ground for populist movements across Europe.”

“When you’re closing an economy and people’s workplaces, it will cause political instability. Populists come with easy answers to difficult problems, but their solutions are rarely the right ones,” she said.

Ms. Marin told the paper she has concerns the public will tire of lockdowns and begin to hold the party that is in power accountable. She said, “I think the situation might even get worse and people might get even more tired.

The situation has gotten worse in the autumn. People often want to find someone to blame and often the easiest ones to blame other governments and politicians.”

TRENDPOST: Again, we estimate a large segment of the public – 35 percent – will hold elected officials responsible for ordering economy-killing lockdown orders that are not grounded in hard science or facts.

To quell protests and “populism,” politicians in many nations will throw small change to quiet rebellious subjects, such as measures recommended by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who recently said, “To get the virus under control, we need to pay people to stay home.”

With claims for unemployment rising for the first time in five weeks, at a time when they should be declining during the holiday season, which once had sharp increases in retail, restaurants, tourism, hospitality, entertainment, etc., American incomes are decreasing as lockdown orders increase.
Indeed, what is holding up the U.S. economy, as well as many others’, is the cheap money being pumped into the system by governments and central banks.

Julia Pollak, a labor economist at ZipRecruiter, told The New York Times that part of the reason that “the recovery has done so well is that there was so much assistance for affected businesses and workers.”

TRENDPOST: There is no organized dissent against politicians, who suck off the public tit and never worked a real job in their lives – who have forced their constituents (a.k.a. slaves) to stay home, don’t go to work, close down their businesses… to take pay cuts.

TRENDPOST: Appearing on the CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Dee Margo, the mayor of El Paso, Texas, was their big “selling fear” Sunday guest.

It should be noted that the city of nearly a million people has registered 1,000 virus deaths since March, or one tenth of one percent of the population. On a monthly basis, it equals 134 deaths per month for the eight months since COVID “hit” El Paso, or a death rate of 0.014 per month for the entire population.

Yet, despite these facts, the hysteria of “cases,” not deaths, are promoted by the Presstitutes.
Face Mask Fraud

Margo said the city’s contract tracing “found that 55 percent of the positives were coming from shopping at large retailers, what we’d term as the big box stores, which are considered essential under CISA guidelines under homeland security.”

We note this because El Paso and the “big box stores” all require customers and staff to wear face masks.

The fact that masks were being worn, and, as the scientific evidence we have continually reported dissuades the use of masks to stop the virus, their obvious failure, as evidenced by the contact tracing showing masked masses contracted the disease in must-wear-mask-zones, has been completely ignored by the Mayor and the Presstitutes.

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