Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced new COVID restrictions last week that banned the sale of alcohol on the evening before Thanksgiving and defended his administration’s actions by blaming the virus and not his dictatorial ruling. 
“The virus is what’s doing this,” he said, according to The New York Times. “It’s not me, and it’s not the administration, it’s not the government.”
November was considered the Keystone State’s worst month for COVID infections with 143,640 new cases as of late last week. Lehigh Valley Live reported the number is higher than the previous five months together. 
However, as the media keeps pumping up case rates, always ignoring the fact that tens of millions more are getting tested and the PCR tests are inaccurate, the number of deaths in the state has not kept up with the infections and are lower than the springtime high. (See our 29 September article, “COVID GOLD TEST PROVES TO BE ‘WORTHLESS.”)
The Times’ pointed out that some governors have met resistance from local police forces over which guidelines are enforceable. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was told by a sheriff in an area of the state, Madison County, that his deputies would not waste resources to seek out gatherings of more than ten people.
“We are not going to exhaust our limited resources obtaining search warrants and counting the Turkey eaters in your house,” Sheriff Todd Hood told the paper. He said he hoped people would use common sense during the holiday.
New York City announced last week it would enforce Cuomo’s 14-day travel quarantines and will have vehicle checkpoints to conduct spot checks for when buses drop off passengers. The COVID Cops will force some passengers to get tested and be provided with an “education on quarantine.” 
“Do not travel. Stay local. Keep it small. If you love people, if you love your extended family, help them stay alive so we can all celebrate together in person next year. It won’t be a traditional Thanksgiving but we just have to get through this once,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a CNN interview prior to the holiday.
TREND FORECAST: We continue to note how instantly and arbitrarily new rules are imposed on citizens by politicians despite the lack of scientific data to support their dictates… and by their complete disregard of democratic rights, economic damage, and personal hardships, “We the People” will suffer.
Indeed, a precedent has now been set. Be it a virus, disease, terror threat, response to a mass murder – any excuse to declare an Executive Order – both the Constitution and Bill of Rights have been, and will continue to be, violated.
In response to the continuing abrogation of Freedom, new political parties will be formed across the nation. The mainstream media, which has displayed its partisanship with Presstitutes who belong to one of the two major political parties and banning those of dissenting voices, will label these new movements as right wing and populist.
In fact, they will be neither, since the growing opposition from businesses that are being destroyed and young people who want to live life span narrow belief systems far beyond a narrow ideology.
TRENDPOST: States from Kentucky, Vermont, and Utah called on residents to limit the size of gatherings inside their home in order to help stop the spread of COVID.

We note these to illustrate the draconian and unconstitutional nature these impositions will, and are, inflicting on the general population. Again, politicians and their bureaucrats have all returned to the familiar pitch that comes along with the mandates: You must destroy your economic future and mental health in order to protect the population’s most vulnerable.
That is the only way. Anything short, even entertaining the thought of not wearing a mask outside, is sinful despite the data showing the scientifically proven ineffectiveness of mask wearing… and it making no sense to mask up when you are in your car alone with the windows rolled up or walking down an empty street.
We understand there is a risk of virus transmission while indoors. But if you give a politician an inch, they’ll take your freedom. Now they are getting bolder, sending COVID Cops into your home to make sure you’re in compliance with their virus protocols, with states such as Pennsylvania telling people wear masks in their homes.
This cannot stand, and, hopefully, the U.S. Supreme Court will continue to rule on the side of the Constitution when it comes to power-mad governors. Gerald Celente, the publisher of the Trends Journal, said “Justice” now means the laws only apply to “just us” – the citizenry.

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