Education (real education, not mere “schooling”) is as important to the goal of survival as mastering firearms; acquiring survival food and supplies; and learning how to secure your privacy, remain anonymous, master self-defense, and provide for a measure of financial security.
Those who can think clearly and logically, who can analyze, discern, and make informed choices; who understand history, government, and who can tell when they are being conned/lied to are the ones who will be able to make the most and the best of all other skills and crafts.
So long as it remains legal to do so, my recommendation is to home school your children. Keep their young, impressionable minds and growing bodies away from the public school system and the incompetents who run it and work as “teachers” within it.
Granted, there are some good teachers in the system. Every now and again, a stellar administrator like Joe Louis Clark, the former principal of Eastside High School in Patterson, N.J., comes along to turn a public school “prison” into an institution of learning. But, they don’t last and aren’t encouraged. (After literally saving the high school and setting hundreds of teenagers on the right path in life, Principal Clark was fired.)
With the exception for those who can’t afford it, my belief is that schools – like other businesses and services – should be in the private sector, run privately by administrators and teachers who must compete in the free market and convince parents and their children they are offering services of merit.
Instead, public schools operate by coercion. The law says a child must attend public school. Teachers who are genuinely worthy of the name depend on attracting students and keeping them by being good teachers – not by forcing them to listen to the teachers’ babbling, performing the tasks those teachers demand, and passing tests and requirements those teachers require.
Education is of critical importance for the maintenance of a free society.
Except for certain professions that require hands on learning in selected fields, getting degrees in history, gender studies, social sciences etc., to me, is a 100 percent waste of time, energy, and money.
An As forecast in the Trends Journal at beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak when schools across the globe were shut down, it signaled the onset of a 21st century online learning system, which, back in 1996, Gerald Celente had forecast as “Interactive U” in his book, Trends 2000.
A“Interactive U” has just been born. The new education system that will replace the current one, which was invented by the Prussians at the onset of the Industrial Revolution, will offer great investment rewards to existing and start-up companies which create the new learning systems and continue to update them.
In this digital world of internet connections and an Alexandrian Library card for all the information any heart can desire, and/or bookstores combined with a self-directed program of reading and learning, self-learning is the new education model.
Additionally, being out in the workaday world will help to nurture and refine one’s intellectual capacity. It will make a person sophisticated in the real ways of the world and enhance the ability to understand and cope with the society in which you live.
Again, going to college makes sense only if a college degree is required for the career you intend to enter, as you cannot get into medical or dental school unless you’ve acquired a bachelors degree. Law schools demand a four-year degree.
Those “teaching” at the undergraduate level are guaranteed jobs and income because, even though students may have no use for what the courses require them to learn, unless they assimilate the information and regurgitate it back in a blizzard of irrelevant examinations, the students will never be accepted into the post-graduate school programs they need to attend.
A general (or, if you prefer a more substantial term, a “liberal arts”) education is of inestimable value and importance because it cultivates overall understanding of the world we live in, the societies that exist, your ability to reason and evaluate, and your ability to communicate effectively and clearly in both speech and in the written word. You learn the history of civilization (and perhaps of civilizations other than your own) and philosophy and its significance, and you develop a host of other important attributes and characteristics.
However, one need not attend a college or undergraduate university program in order to gain such an education. With Interactive U, It can be done on one’s own if one has the incentive. Those who lack incentive cannot be helped by any formal degree-granting institution.
I would like to recommend a book I found immensely valuable since reading it many years ago: How to Read A Book by the philosopher Mortimer J. Adler. The book has gone through many editions. I believe the best is the first edition, released in January 1940.
Remember: Your general education can be acquired, and should be acquired, by your efforts on your own. You can learn every subject, including foreign languages*, science, mathematics, or you-name-it through disciplined, regular self-study. You don’t need to spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars and subject yourself to schedules and examinations imposed by others. Not to mention, what very well may be a huge financial debt on graduation.

* I suggest two sources for learning foreign languages: Linguaphone, and Assimil. And one piece of advice: Keep your mastery of any foreign language to yourself. You never know when having the ability to hear and understand what others are saying, while they think they are speaking privately, might be useful.

Two of my self-defense/close combat students are self-taught on just about everything there is to know about computers, programming, cyber-security, and a host of other things that leave me cross-eyed with confusion. Each operate their own business and, last I heard, make a small fortune each year.
In your quest for personal education, I strongly suggest that in your efforts to homeschool your children, make it a habit to purchase and keep the many good books, DVDs, and pamphlets you acquire. Many works espousing liberty and teaching the real and true history of America and the Founding Fathers are sure to be banned one day. You don’t want to be without these… for your grandchildren and for their children.
If you have a hard time believing that books readily available for purchase in America may be banned, consider this: In Soviet Russia, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie was restricted/top secret and unavailable to the public. It was used in training KGB and GRU officers (the foreign military intelligence agency of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) in how to manipulate human beings.
Yet, in the U.S., you can still send a ten-year-old to Barnes & Noble and have him pick up a copy of that book for a few dollars.
Don’t assume what happened in Russia cannot happen here!
by Bradley J. Steiner

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