Not a drop of boogie
Not an ounce of jive
From Café Society chic
To fast-food fat
It ain’t got that swing
Lost its rock
Motown is No Town
One-note rap
High-tech tight
Hoodies athleisure
Corporate style
Elegance is history
Gone is grace
We’re No. 1
Most opioid-addicted
Most obese
Pigs can’t fly?
Yes, they can
Go to any airport
A foreign word
“Exceptional” arrogance
Monumental failures
Keeps starting wars
Can’t even win one
They rob their people
To bail out the BIGS
From the local level to
Washington Heights
Liars, Cowards, Freaks
And Fools
Democrats and Republicans
Kill millions and steal trillions
Bloods and Crips
Different name, same game
Murderers and thieves
A corporate/political
A nation of slaves.
Don’t Forget to Vote
Vote 4 Mr. Boogie