While Presstitutes, “celebrities,” and politicians keep selling the line that the COVID-19 vaccines are benign and have no downsides, proof, while often suppressed, keeps mounting as to devastating “side effects.” 
A Centers for Disease Control committee has found a “likely association” between the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and the occurrence of rare heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults.
Trends Journal has been reporting on vaccine “caution flags” ever since the various COVID vaccines, which were approved for use faster than any other vaccines in history, were declared the primary weapon in the COVID War, such as reported in our December 2020 article, “COVID VACCINE: SCIENTISTS WARN ‘CAUTION’,” or our 19 January 2021 article, “COVID-19 VACCINES: TRACKING ADVERSE HEALTH EFFECTS.”
Inflammation of the Heart and Its Membranes
The findings by the CDC’s Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices, as reported by CNBC on 23 June, indicate that, as of 11 June, 267 cases of myocarditis (an inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (an inflammation of the membrane which surrounds the heart) have been reported after one dose of the vaccines, and 827 cases reported after two doses. There have also been 132 cases in which the number of doses is unknown.
Most of the cases involve men under 30. The symptoms involve chest pain and shortness of breath, and usually present within 4 days to a week of vaccination. Most cases were mild, but nine people were still hospitalized and two were in intensive care as of 11 June. Of those discharged, 79 percent have fully recovered. 
So, statistically, this particular side effect of these particular vaccines is still rare. Of some 300 million shots administered by 11 June, the rate of incidence is only 12.6 per million. But the CDC continues to investigate, in cooperation with the FDA, which in May authorized the Pfizer vaccine for those aged 12 to 15, an age group whose risk factors for COVID-19 are thought by many statisticians to be minuscule, as we reported in November 2020: “CRUCIAL COVID DATA IGNORED BY PRESSTITUTES.”
Far more serious side effects, such as Vaccine-Induced Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia (VITT), a recently-identified cerebrovascular syndrome, have been associated with the Astrazeneca vaccine. While also rare, such side effects can certainly contribute to the phenomena of vaccine suspicion and “vaccine hesitancy,” which we wrote about in, for example, our September 2020 article, “ANTI-VACCINATION MOVEMENT IS GROWING.”
Also, see DARING TO DOUBT VACCINE EFFICACY, in this issue of the Trends Journal.

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