When the COVID War was launched in February, what politicians and the media advertised as a temporary inconvenience swiftly shifted to the permanent societal mutilation called the “New Normal.”
The public tolerance for “flattening the curve” and, to a lesser extent, the implementation of the “New ABnormal,” was predicated on the catastrophic death tolls forecast by the “experts.” After months of collecting data, however, the global death statistics prove these “experts” were drastically wrong.
Indeed, last spring, Dr. Neil Ferguson’s team at Imperial College London predicted the death toll in the U.S. would be 2.2 million while Great Britain would suffer over half a million deaths.
Despite evidence to the contrary, the mainstream media continues to peddle fear and disinformation. Because the death statistics contradict the narrative of a deadly pandemic, one of the primary tactics of fear-inducing deception is the incessant reporting of “rising case numbers.”
Notice whenever the media mentions rising case numbers, the data is never accompanied by the statistically relevant information regarding change in deaths and in the number of overall tests.
Liars Lie, Numbers Don’t
Last week, further escalating the fear agenda, mainstream media promoted the theory proposed by Dr. Michael Ryan, Head of Emergencies for the WHO, which said up to 10 percent of the world’s population has been infected with the coronavirus.
Officially, the total global number of cases is recognized as about 35 million. According to Dr. Ryan, the “best estimate” of ten percent of the entire world being infected would place the number of total cases to 780 million!
In an 8 October article for Off-guardian.org, Kit Knightly said,

“The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov2 is 1,061,539.

That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly 0.14%. Right in line with the seasonal flu and the predictions of many experts from around the world.

0.14 is over 24 times lower than the WHO’s provisional figure of 3.4% back in March.”

Coupling the WHO’s originally projected death rate of 3.4 percent with Dr. Ryan’s recent “best estimate” of about 780 million cases worldwide, the total death toll should be about 26 million… not the 1,087,000 currently reported.
TREND FORECAST: It should be noted that many people suffering from pre-existing chronic conditions who tested positive for COVID were categorized as “COVID deaths.” Thus, a person may have died “with COVID” and not “from COVID.”
 Therefore, it is likely the actual death rate is even lower than 0.14 percent; which would make the “pandemic” less deadly than the average seasonal flu.
Despite this data, the mainstream media and power-hungry politicians will continue promoting fear, while the indoctrinated masses remain paralyzed, tacitly participating in the destruction of their freedom and their future.

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