One of the many differences between a situation of real world self-defense and any competitive sport or any type of “match” fighting is the former offers no round two, no referee to declare that a particular tussle must be broken up, and absolutely no breather or time to think or to plan over the course of a protracted match the particular strategy and tactical method one will employ against one’s opponent. There’s no “corner man” to provide helpful tips. There is no time to “evaluate the adversary’s strategy or technical style,” nor is there any opportunity to request a “rematch” should you lose.
Yes, for those with common sense, I am overstating the obvious. However, it would likely amaze many TRENDS subscribers if they knew how lacking in any sense – common or otherwise – many who participate in “martial arts” actually are.
Here is one of the most critical tactical imperatives for effective self-defense, when physically engaging an attacker is unavoidable: Attack your attacker as quickly, aggressively, as mercilessly, as decisively as possible – always using the element of surprise when you can – AND INISH THE ENCOUNTER FAST.
With very few exceptions (none I am personally aware of, actually), people who have had experience in judo, boxing, wrestling, karate, ju-jutsu, kick boxing, MMA, etc., have become accustomed to “squaring off” with their opponent before closing in the competitive fight. This is fair and sporting – and necessary for a contest to be matched equally – but anathema to the demands of reacting when confronted or jumped in an actual situation.
Often, the time a defender might waste in getting into a so-called fighting stance is sufficient to land at least one, and often two very effective strikes that – once landed – will all but guarantee the defender’s successful handling of his crisis, IF he blasts into his attacker and follows up ferociously.
Remember please that I am speaking of self-defense, not sport. I frankly advocate deceit, deception, foul methods, “dirty” tactics, and the deliberate and enthusiastic violation of any conceivable rule that might exist, save one: “Win!”
The faster you overwhelm and injure (seriously injure) a violent offender, the better. A combative engagement, as I wrote more than 40 years ago in a martial arts magazine, should last no more than 30 seconds; and five seconds is better!
“Now how can a determined attacker possibly be overcome in 30 seconds or less?” one might ask.
“Rather easily,” I will say, “if the proper tactical approach is employed in defeating him.” The proper tactical approach consists of these elements:

  • Instant retaliatory or preemptive
  • Action, taken the very second physical force is initiated against you – or you realize you are about to be attacked
  • Attacking your attacker by going after his eyes, throat, or stomp-kicking his knee. (If he’s facing head-on, then a kick to the testicles might be worthwhile.)
  •  Relentlessly continuing your own onslaught against the attacker and not stopping until he is helpless and you are safe.

This protocol is usually resisted at first by some decent people who know little about violence and who, properly, have been raised not to harm others and to “be a good sport.”
Unfortunately, being a good sport is suicide when dealing with a violent predator. You must learn, if you have not yet realized, that only the dirtiest, foulest, most viciously destructive and damaging methods make any sense when you must protect yourself or a loved one from unprovoked, unanticipated violent intervention. Read the news reports, study violent crime a little. Speak to cops. You’ll come around. Violent criminals deserve the same mercy a physician gives a patient’s infection. The criminal, like the infection, must be destroyed!
By this I do not mean that every attacker will need to be maimed or killed. Nonsense. However, any attacker must be dealt with by an initial reaction that assumes he might intend to kill you. If he turns and runs, fine. Let him go. You won. If he is clearly rolling around on the sidewalk unable and unwilling to threaten you further, fine. Leave him there, and get the hell away. If you realize after whacking him a few times in vulnerable target areas that you can now get away, do so.
But if the attacker will not run away, and if he is not rendered harmless immediately, then you follow up and attack with unsurpassed fury. Literally hurry up and overwhelm the aggressor with an endless barrage of damaging and repeated blows of your hands and feet. Use anything at hand as a weapon to assist yourself. Nothing is barred in self-defense.
It is crucial you ATTACK any violent offender as soon as possible, and you do so in a manner that injures him. Then, it is equally important that you take advantage of the opportunity you have created and you keep on attacking!
Believe me when I tell you: There is way more “martial” than there is “art” when it comes to the realism and brutality of close combat. You are at war when you are attacked, and you should aim to defeat your attacker in a fierce, all-out, immediate “drive-to-the-wall blitzkrieg” type explosion of aggression that disables the adversary immediately – before he realizes what the hell just happened.
So, if criminal violence ever comes to you, finish it, and finish the scumbag who brought it to you; and do it as quickly as possible – within 30 seconds or less.
by Bradley J. Steiner

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