CHINA HAS HOOKS IN POLS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. A new book by author Peter Schweizer detailing the ways China has infiltrated and co-opted American elites, adds to a growing tide of evidence of a huge “collaborationist” problem that is undermining the nation.
Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win is already trending number one on Amazon in the book category “United States National Government,” and it isn’t even being released until today (25 Jan 2022).
Though Schweizer’s book covers a number of different incidents and players, a weekend interview with Mark Levin focused on especially troubling money connections between the Biden family and Chinese government security figures.
Following is an excerpt of the conversation between Schweizer and Levin on the matter: 
Mark Levin: did the Communist Chinese regime make it part of their mission to invest in the Biden family knowing full well that Joe Biden was a longtime career politician with lots of influence?
Peter Schweizer: I think there’s no question Mark.  And look, we spent more than a year investigating red-handed and one of the most startling things we uncovered is the simple fact that the Biden family while he was vice president of the United States and continuing when he became president received some 31 million dollars from Chinese individuals who are linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence. 
Mark Levin: 31 million-dollars. Woah.
Peter Schweizer: Yeah. Yeah, 31million dollars. And these deals which we lay out in the book were carried out by a couple of individuals. One is a guy named Chay Fang. Hunter Biden in the Hunter Biden emails refers to him as the “super chairman.” That’s kind of his nickname for him. And he says in one email, “I don’t believe in the lottery anymore, but I believe in the super chairman.” Now, who is Chay Faing? He’s kind of this sketchy Chinese businessman. His business partner at the time that he was striking deals with Hunter Biden, his business partner was the vice minister at the ministry for State security.
He was in charge of among other things recruiting foreign Nationals to spy for China. He was the head of something called the “Number Eight Bureau.” It doesn’t get any higher than that.  These are the sorts of individuals that were striking deals with Hunter Biden. In this particular case Chay Fang happened to help a 20 million dollar deal be secured. Another individual that helped arrange that deal is a guy named “Mr. Zhao.”  Mr. Zhao helped with that 20 million dollar deal. He also sent five million dollars to Hunter Biden, and he sent that money from a very interesting business called Harvest Global. So you have Mr. Zhao sending. Five million dollars. Who’s his business partner, Mark? His business partner is the daughter of the former head of the [Chinese] Ministry of State Security. This is the guy who runs the entire spy apparatus for China. Again it does not get any higher than that. 
So what this means, Mark, is that in total, the Biden family got 31 million dollars. They performed no discernible legitimate business activities as I can find for that 31 million dollars. And it all, every single deal, came from individuals tied at the highest levels to the Chinese intelligence apparatus. So there’s no question in my mind that [the Bidens] were targeted by the Chinese, and for the life of me, Mark, this is unprecedented. I don’t know of a time in American history where the American first family has had this kind of a financial bond with a foreign intelligence service, particularly a foreign intelligence service that wants to defeat the United States in global competition. 
[*transcript of audio interview; some name spellings phonetic; since book is not yet released]
Surprise, surprise, a Breitbart News piece featuring a book extract from Schweizer’s new book was banned on Monday by Microsoft-owned LinkedIn.
Bi-Partisan Collaboration With Communist Chinese
Republicans at the highest level of government, including Mitch McConnell, have their own troubling China influence connections.
Though not nearly as serious as the allegations in Schweizer’s new book about the Bidens, Newsweek in 2021 detailed China-related issues involving McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao.
Chao, a former Transportation Secretary, happens to be the daughter of a Chinese born shipping magnate.  She was accused by a government watchdog of abusing her influence while in office, in a series of incidents connected with her family’s China business dealings. 
In a 44-page report, the Transportation Department’s inspector general stated his conclusions. According to the study, Chao exploited her office’s workers for personal activities and work connected to promoting the Foremost Group, a shipping company controlled by her father and sister, which is located in New York. 
The company conducts significant business in China.
The charges constituted an apparent violation of federal ethics standards. 
According to Newsweek, despite allegations of Chao’s alleged violations reaching the Justice Department’s U.S. attorney’s office and Public Integrity Section, the Justice Department under then President Donald Trump refused to investigate, claiming no proof of criminal activity.
According to the inspector general’s report, Chao asked her staff to include her father, sister, and brother-in-law in official events and high-level meetings arranged for a departmental trip to China. The trip was planned for November of 2017.
The itinerary allegedly included trips to sites funded by her family’s company, as well as a meeting with senior Chinese leaders attended only by her father and sister, with no other departmental officials present. 
The trip was canceled. But emails show details of what was planned.
Chao responded at the time to the report at the time of the controversy, saying that it exonerated her on any serious charges.
But the Transportation Department’s deputy inspector general Mitch Behm disagreed, telling House lawmakers “a formal investigation into potential misuses of position was warranted,” and alleging Chao had used the “public office for private gain.”
The Newsweek story is available here
Peter Schweizer’s book “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” is available for order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
The Trends Journal has previously detailed China’s success in corrupting and profiting off American institutions and business in articles including:

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