Neutral means isolation these days in Europe.
Switzerland decided last week that it will not provide Ukraine with...
Neutral means isolation these days in Europe.
Switzerland decided last week that it will not provide Ukraine with...
A German economic research center released a recent study that tried to put a number on how much total aid Ukraine has pulled in since the start of the war and identified $170 billion in humanitarian, financial, and military aid.
Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, bristled at the idea of the European Commission preparing another round of financial aid for Ukraine until there is some clarity on how the previous €70 billion was spent.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is a dictator.
As the U.S. money flow to keep bloodying the Ukraine killing fields continues, the Russian embassy in Washington criticized Washington’s latest injection of $500 million in weapons for Ukraine, and said the move shows just how committed the Biden administration is to the strategic defeat of Russia.
Putin’s latest speech is one that should never have been made. With his ill-considered speech, Putin has lent his weight to U.S. neoconservative propaganda that he is in a weakened and challenged position and that the U.S. can win in Ukraine. With the Ukrainian forces essentially defeated, the fake news “mutiny” is precisely what the neoconservatives needed to keep the conflict alive, which is why Scott Ritter thinks Victoria Nuland might have instigated the “coup.”
The only way that Russia can “lose” the Ukraine War is if there is an internal uprising, so when reports emerged on Friday that Yevgeny Prigozhin was advancing on Moscow with his mercenary forces and the Kremlin was in chaos, it was music to the Presstitute media’s ears.
As we have long noted, those who speak out for peace and hold and attend peace rallies, such as Gerald Celente, are blackballed and ridiculed by the “libtard” people and the press.
Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, said last week that he is not worried about the prospect of NATO officially joining the war effort and fighting for Ukraine after the near constant saber-rattling from Brussels.
There’s an old saying that goes, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”