You’ll just have to zip it up.
Parts of Southern California have moved into the so-called red tier of the state’s reopening guidelines, which means that amusement parks will be able to reopen to the public… with restrictions.
Theme parks such as Disneyland, Six Flags, and Universal Studios have been closed since March 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak but will be able to open their gates on 1 April, so long as they operate at 15-percent capacity, according to CBS Los Angeles. They will also accept only in-state visitors.
Enjoy the Rides, but Screaming not Allowed
A trade group representing theme parks said last week they are behind a plan that would enforce a “no screaming” rule to prevent transmission of the virus.
“Face covering usage and/or modifications to see loading patterns will be required on amusement park rides to mitigate the effects of shouting,” the California Attractions and Parks Association said in a statement. “Additionally, on rides, guests generally face in one direction.”
In July, California had banned singing and chanting inside churches due to the “increased likelihood for transmission of COVID-19 through contaminated exhaled droplets,” according to an order by the state’s Department of Public Health.
Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer told the Los Angeles Times if the caseload in cities such as Los Angeles continues to drop, the area could move into a less-restrictive orange tier. The paper said that to move from red to orange, there must be a case rate of 3.9 or fewer per 100,000 people tested daily.
TRENDPOST: Any reader of this magazine is aware of the many arbitrary health guidelines that have been in place for a year, which are completely made up and lack scientific data to support them. The latest, as we report on in this issue, is how the CDC now says schools can place children three feet apart rather than six. (See our new article, “THREE FEET OF SOCIAL DISTANCING NOW APPROVED.”)
The long list of lockdown measures, again unsupported by scientific fact and/or hard data, has devastated nearly every socioeconomic aspect of society. Indeed, as proven by the facts we have presented in issue after issue since the COVID War began a year ago, the lockdown cure has been worse than the disease.
This January, we ran the article, COVID-19 LOCKDOWNS: COMPLETE POLICY FAILURES,” which points to a senior researcher at the American Institute for Economic Research (AIE), Phil Magness, who reviewed the past year of lockdowns, false claims, and failed government policies in dealing with the spread of COVID. 

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