As we have been reporting since last year, when the media and politicians launched the COVID War, never a mention from them of the importance of building one’s immune system, getting in better health, and/or whole health healing recommendations.
Instead, the only hope they keep selling is to get vaccinated.
Doctors are standing up and speaking out, but they are either ignored, discredited, or banned by the mainstream media. Among them is Dr. Ryan Cole, who runs an independent medical diagnostics laboratory in Idaho. Dr. Cole is a board-certified dermatologist whose lab has conducted over 100,000 COVID-19 tests. On 26 March, he spoke to Idaho state legislators at the state capitol.
He opened his remarks by noting that the average age of those dying from COVID is 78.6, which is also the average age of death of all people in North America. In the state of Idaho, over 90 percent of those dying from COVID have been over 70 years old. 
This is in line with what we have been reporting: The virus is killing older people and those suffering from preexisting chronic health conditions. The young and the healthy are not virus victims, yet, politicians have locked down much of the world, destroying the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people.
Dr. Cole’s main points:

  • There is no hard, scientific evidence that wearing masks can in any significant way stop the spread of the virus. (Dr. Cole received applause from legislators when he said, “It is absolute insanity to wear a mask outside… there is not one study to show a super-spreader event happened outside.” He then added, “The best mask is a healthy immune system.”
  • “Vitamin D is the master key to our immune system.” Data shows 70 percent of the world’s population is “immune-suppressed,” with the rate in the U.S. being 70-80 percent. Dr. Cole presented data that showed, “80 percent of all hospitalized patients and 96 percent of ICU patients are vitamin D deficient.” Taking vitamin D supplements decreases the risk of COVID-19 and all immune suppressant illnesses.

Specifically related to COVID, Dr. Cole stated, “Normal Vitamin D levels decrease COVID system severity and risk for hospitalization by up to 90%.”

  • The mRNA vaccines being promoted have never before been used on humans and “50 percent of health care workers are refusing to get injected.” He added, “If you’re immune after an injection, why in the world would you have to mask and social distance? That is an admission that they don’t know this is an effective vaccine.” 
  • He pointed out to legislators that “the mRNA vaccines are not a vaccine but a gene modifier which is an experimental treatment” and “It’s insanity to have the government in bed with a private company who they want to vend a product they want to give to everybody.”

TRENDPOST: Barely reported is the fact that three states – Georgia, North Carolina, and Colorado –  have shut down their Johnson & Johnson vaccine sites after dozens who got the shots suffered from symptoms ranging from dizziness to nausea and fainting.
Dr. Cole asserted that the drug ivermectin has shown effective results in many countries for years at curing viruses in general and now is showing good results with COVID-19. This is a drug used to kill parasites and has been proven safe, and it has been taken by over four billion people worldwide for many years. It costs pennies compared to the cost of hospital treatments in the U.S. for COVID.
Dr. Cole stated ivermectin is “on the world’s safest and most essential drugs list,” and “some brave doctors in Florida, Texas, and Wisconsin have been using it in their hospitals, they have decreased their death rates by 70-90 percent… and you can get a full course of treatment for under $30.”
TRENDPOST: While the WHO says further study is needed before it would approve ivermectin, they agree it is “a relatively safe drug.” And, though the FDA hasn’t approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19, it is being used in many countries successfully. 
On 8 December last year, Dr. Pierre Kory, Associate Professor of Medicine at the Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center, WI, and board-certified in critical medicine, pulmonary diseases, and internal medicine, testified for the Senate Homeland Security Committee about the efficacy of ivermectin in preventing COVID-19:
“All I ask is for the NIH [National Institute of Health] to review our data that we’ve compiled of all of the emerging data—we have almost 30 studies. Everyone is reliably and reproducibly positive showing the dramatic impacts of ivermectin. Please, I’m just asking that they review our manuscript.” 
TRENDPOST: Dr. Kory’s testimony before the congressional committee was removed by YouTube “for violating YouTube’s community standards.” Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson publicly criticized the channel’s “dangerous actions” after learning of the censorship.
And, as we noted, Dr. Cole’s address to Idaho state legislators was ignored by the mainstream media. Instead, as CNN did on Saturday, they ran a pro-vaccine article titled, “How to speak to someone who’s hesitant to get vaccinated.”

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