Lady Gaga, Robert DeNiro, and Jennifer Lopez took part in a Spike Lee-directed commercial to endorse a so-called “WELL Health-Safety seal,” a sign that businesses could place at their entries to assure customers that the venue is putting “your health and safety first.”
Zachary Leeman penned an article in RT that poked fun at these celebrities who bring zero expertise on the subject and mentions it is not even clear what the seal means. He wrote that the seal can cost over $12,000 for these businesses and “performance testing” is not required to obtain the seal. The criteria are “documentation-based.”
The Well Certified website claims the sign is a “visible indication of confidence and trust, the WELL Health-Safety seal communicates to everyone entering a space that evidence-based measures have been adopted and third-party verified.”
One Twitter user posted a clip of the commercial and wrote, “Nothing to see here, just A-list celebrities endorsing a globalist plan to regulate all the housing and facilities on the planet.”
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: While people are very opposed to curse words or vulgarity, for me, the word “celebrity” is a dirty word.
What is a “celebrity”? It’s a person, good or bad at what they are doing, who is celebrated by Presstitutes and whom the public looks up to. As the Wikipedia definition connotes: “Celebrity is a condition of fame and broad public recognition of an individual or group, or occasionally a character or animal, as a result of the attention given to them by mass media.” 
As good media whores who get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and government whoremasters, the celebrity-adoring public buys what they keep selling. 

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