Florida retreat for mind, body and spirit

Gerald Celente and his Trends Research Institute have announced an exhilarating and unique weeklong retreat designed to explore the powerful trends that will unfold in the year ahead — all while enjoying the tranquil and healing resources of a beautiful 30-acre setting in Southwest Florida.

“Prepare for 2016” features Celente, natural health icon Gary Null, institute analysts and health and well-being experts – all charged with helping attendees refuel, refocus and rejuvenate.

To register, call Taryn Clark, weekdays, at the Trends Research Institute: 845-331-3500, or visit our retreat website at http://retreat.trendsresearch.com/ or click THIS LINK.

Held January 10-16 in Naples, “Prepare for 2016″ attendees will partake in a variety of unique and life-enhancing experiences by participating in group activities and formal presentations, and spending ample time enjoying beautiful surroundings in self-reflection.

Attendees of previous health and well-being retreats at the Naples facility rave about the life-changing power of the experience. (Go this link to learn more.)

Each day, Celente and institute analysts will lead presentations on trends emerging in geopolitics, economics, aging, health, pop culture, media and more. These presentations aren’t dry PowerPoint lectures; they’re packed with insights and “actionable” information you simply won’t find anywhere else.

To register, call Taryn Clark, weekdays, at the Trends Research Institute: 845-331-3500.

And throughout the days and evenings, attendees can engage in health and fitness activities that will enhance their well-being in a comfortable and stimulating environment.

Participants stay at a nearby hotel, included in the registration fee, and are shuttled to the lush grounds of the retreat site each day. Featured during the week will be powerful presentations by natural-health experts, and group and individual sessions with health care professionals, including fitness, nutrition and culinary experts whose passion for natural healing and health not only teaches, it inspires.

“Prepare for 2016” begins with an evening welcome reception on Sunday, January 10 and continues through the week, with attendees departing on Saturday, January 16. Transport service from the Fort Myers airport to the hotel and returning to the airport the following Saturday is available.

Once registered at the hotel, transportation to and from the retreat site and all activities is provided.

The retreat cost is $2,600 per individual and includes, in addition to the daily Celente and health and well-being sessions, the following:

– Double occupancy lodging (private room is extra) at a nearby hotel
– Gourmet vegan meals each day
– Green and red juices, and lemon water all day
– Protein smoothies
– Yoga classes
– Art classes
– Meditation and emotional-release classes
– Self-empowerment DVDs and documentaries
– Cooking classes
– Daily lectures on life-transformation topics
– Health/life counseling sessions
– Power walking each day
– Personal training
– Use of a fully equipped fitness center
– Use of the pool, including aquatic exercise classes
– Quiet places to meditate, journal and enjoy nature at its finest.

To register, call Taryn Clark, weekdays, at the Trends Research Institute: 845-331-3500.

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