When COVID deaths rates began to drop this past summer, we alerted Trends Journal readers the mainstream media would ramp up reporting on “skyrocketing” new cases to increase their ratings, and politicians would use the numbers to impose more draconian rules.
As we reported, with the masses living in virus fear and workers and students being forced to get tested, “case” rates rapidly escalated. Yet, ignored is the fact, as we wrote in the 29 September Trends Journal, testing data has shown that “COVID GOLD TEST PROVES TO BE ‘WORTHLESS’.” 
As the polls prove, the vast majority of people are masked up, afraid to un-socially distance… and now many are scrambling to get to the front of line to get vaccinated.
Thus, while the mainstream media focuses on the latest spike in virus cases and supports continuing lockdown edicts from politicians, we alert Trends Journal subscribers to an 8 December article published by the Mises Institute, which contends that the multinational global corporations and their ruling clans will use the COVID War to take total control of every citizen’s money, property, and basic freedoms.
Think for Yourself
The Trends Journal provides facts, analyses, trend forecasts, and strategy implementation recommendations. Therefore, while we find the Mises Institute scenario on-trend based on data and analysis provided, the motto of our magazine is “Think for Yourself.” 
The Mises Institute article, titled, “No Privacy, No Property: The World in 2030 According to the WEF,” written by German economist Anthony P. Mueller, who teaches at the Federal University of Sergipe in Brazil, focuses on what he believes to be the true strategy of the World Economic Forum (WEF). 
The exposé centers on a WEF video that begins with the image of a smiling young man over which is the caption: “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”  
The eight WEF predictions are:

  1. “People will own nothing. Goods are either free of charge or must be lent from the state.
  2. The United States will no longer be the leading superpower, but a handful of countries will dominate. [We forecast China will be #1.]
  3. Organs will not be transplanted but printed.
  4. Meat consumption will be minimized.
  5. Massive displacement of people will take place with billions of refugees.
  6. To limit the emission of carbon dioxide, a global price will be set at an exorbitant level.
  7. People can prepare to go to Mars and start a journey to find alien life.
  8. Western values will be tested to the breaking point.” 

What is the World Economic Forum?
The WEF is a worldwide consortium of the most powerful corporate, economic, and political leaders. Its list of members (the WEF website refers to them as “partners”) is a virtual who’s who of global billionaires and heads of the most powerful corporate interests including Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, the European Central Bank, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Saudi Aramco, China Energy Investment, etc., etc. 
These global “elites” convene every year at a well-publicized event in Davos, Switzerland. Founded in 1971 by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, as stated on its website, the WEF is “committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”
TRENDPOST: The language makes it 100 percent clear: Those who rule with money and power, not “We the Little People of Slavelandia,” are the powers who will “shape global, regional and industry agendas.” In essence, they are in full control. 
The Mises Institute article dissects the WEF’s intention “to shape” the global agenda over the next ten years to completely control and manipulate the global money supply and private property.
In his article, Professor Mueller makes clear, “The main thrust of the forum is global control. Free markets and individual choice do not stand as the top values, but state interventionism and collectivism. Individual liberty and private property are to disappear from this planet by 2030 according to the projections and scenarios coming from the World Economic Forum.” 
COVID Cover Up
As Professor Mueller points out, the WEF’s “Eight Predictions for the World in 2030” is a plan whose implementation has accelerated drastically since the start of the COVID War and the draconian rules and lockdowns.
Professor Mueller contends that under the WEF plan,
“Private property and privacy will be abolished during the next decade. If the WEF projection should come true, people would have to rent and borrow their necessities from the state, which would be the sole proprietor of all goods. The supply of goods would be rationed in line with a social credit points system. Shopping in the traditional sense would disappear along with the private purchases of goods. Every personal move would be tracked electronically.” 
He cites a 2016 WEF article that lays out a scenario of societies without privacy or property. (Click here for the article.) 
Cashless & Worthless
Confirming what we have long been forecasting – that central banks would go from “DIRTY CASH TO DIGITAL TRASH” – Professor Mueller agrees the major WEF banking and corporate interests want to eliminate all cash and force a shift to a completely digital money system: 
With the digitization of all monetary transactions, each individual purchase will be registered. As a consequence, the governmental authorities would have unrestricted access to supervise in detail how individual persons spend their money. A universal basic income in a cashless society would provide the conditions to impose a social credit system and deliver the mechanism to sanction undesirable behavior.” 
Professor Mueller’s article notes,
“Values like individualism, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are at stake, to be repudiated in favor of collectivism and the imposition of a ‘common good’ that is defined by the self-proclaimed elite of technocrats. What is sold to the public as the promise of equality and ecological sustainability is in fact a brutal assault on human dignity and liberty.” 
TREND FORECAST: As we have long been writing, analyzing, and forecasting, the “brutal assault on human dignity and liberty” was viciously ramped up following 9/11, and it has reached unprecedented levels since the outbreak of the COVID War last February. 
Government/military/intelligence/tech control continues to rob citizens of nations across the globe of their Constitutional and Bill of Rights. Unless there is a Universal movement for Freedom, Peace, and Justice, the “takeover” of human rights will persist. Indeed, just as the vast majority obediently marched off to the COVID War, they, too, will follow the orders of the Davos Dictators. 

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