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Whoever wins, you lose

April 2014: The next “Presidential Reality Show” has already begun. While no party members have officially announced they are running in the 2016 race for the White House, the obvious suspects are jockeying for position. Americans are constantly told they live in the world’s greatest democracy. And, with fewer U.S. products to sell overseas, Washington...



As this edition of the Trends Journal publishes, pro-Russian separatists are holding fort in Ukrainian communities along the eastern border, as Kiev threatens to intervene. It’s a battle Ukraine cannot win. Washington’s grand scheme to envelope all of Ukraine into EU and NATO embrace backfired because Russian and Russian-speaking Ukrainians would not buy in. Crimea...


Washington is driving the world to the final war

When the Soviet Union collapsed, it cleared the way for the rise of the neoconservatives and their ideology of U.S. world hegemony. The neoconservatives concluded that the Soviet collapse brought the end of history, by which they meant that history had chosen “American democratic capitalism,” which is neither democratic nor capitalist, as history’s final statement....


Stagnation rules the world’s economy

In this question-and-answer session, Trends Journal Publisher Gerald Celente fields a series of questions covering emerging and stagnant economic trends. The questions are designed to reflect the dominant trend lines fueling economic realities across the globe that directly affect your ability to survive the uncertainty and seize opportunities to thrive. What do you make of...


Do these constant warnings keep you safe?

Do you remember this frightening government-issued warning: Crop dusters may be commandeered by terrorists to dump lethal chemicals on your community? Remember that warning about dirty bombs packed in suitcases and left at bus stops? How about those color-coded alerts? Each color corresponded to a different level of paranoia you were advised to live with...



It is said that generals always fight the last war. In 2000, I was the keynote speaker at Virginia Military Institute (VMI) for a symposium on new millennium warfare. VMI invited me to discuss my forecasts of how World War III would be fought and the weaponry that would be used. It was a subject...


Stoking a war that can’t be won

Ides of March: The next chapter in the History of the Future was being written. If it held true, billions of people and millions of species would be annihilated. The narrative was as clear as day and anyone should have been able to see how the drama would play out. But, intellectually and emotionally paralyzed,...


New website creates a community of change

The Trends Research Institute is poised to launch a series of new content platforms and services this spring, beginning with a completely redesigned and expanded web site. These improvements have been in development stages for several months and are designed to deliver multimedia content to subscribers with greater immediacy, usefulness and impact. In addition, a spate of...


Bring on peace,bring on prosperity!

Do you remember the reasons you were given for why the United States launched the Vietnam War? The Afghan War? The Iraq War? The Libyan War? Do you really remember? How many of those reasons turned out to be lies? How many were true? Were those wars worth waging? The questions are worth serious thought....


No future like the present

“Are you an astrologer? Maybe some other kind of fortune teller? What can you tell me about fashion trends? How about entertainment trends?” When I started trend forecasting, these are the types of questions that people asked me. I would reply that I was neither a fortune teller, tarot card reader or astrologer. In fact, I was...

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