Small and mid-size print/digital news operations — the lifeblood of community and regional news coverage in the US and across the globe — will turn a corner in 2015, making a wobbly but complete landing in the new digital frontier. In 2014, the major chains completed a series of high profile maneuvers that saw them...
Author: Gerald Celente
In the year ahead, the era of selfie journalism fully takes root. As print-driven journalism fades, robust coverage of communities and the issues that drive life in those areas, suffers. General news coverage provided by dominant media outlets fades. And that encourages upstart media outlets to fill the coverage gaps – and local advertising gaps,...
Aging well and creatively
By some estimates, there’s a $3 trillion-plus market in the US alone waiting to be tapped. Who’s the target: Aging boomers and senior citizens. As we enter 2015, the mystery continues. Why hasn’t a new and more inspiring generation of products and services for older people worldwide been created, marketed and already raking in the...
In 2015, a more progressive and robust attempt to service the aging population with a new generation of products and services will emerge. They will cover a wide range, including: drawing more boomers and seniors to dynamic small and medium size cities, where creative activities abound within walking distance; natural health products that enhance overall...
Beauty or bust
Every generation has its nostalgia. And businesses find a way to profit from it while it lasts. But the need to look back intensifies when a culture is stressed, depressed, out of luck or otherwise discontent. Enter 2015 — when traditional retrograde movements make a bolder statement about what’s missing in today’s culture, and opportunities...
While large-scale marketers and retailers will continue to capitalize on the need to look back by producing classic rock T-shirts and retro-looking radios for certain segments of the boomer-plus population, they’re missing enormous opportunity to push retrograde quality among younger generations. Mass-produced merchandise is the sugar coating; quality and genuineness, lovingly crafted from the heart,...
Monopoly is the new normal
It’s a takeover. It’s the New World Order. And this is no conspiracy theory. Shrouded in secrecy, cloaked in misleading language and promoted as a trade pact, a conspiracy in the making will rob some two-thirds of the world’s citizens of their state’s rights and impose upon them a one-world economic and legal system. Spearheaded...
The TPP is the big one. But Takeover is a trend line years in the making; it’s now fully embedded in the social, economic and political spheres that rule our lives. It drills deeper than the massive consolidations we see in banking, media, health care, retail, etc., on broad national and international scales. Look at...
Ready to fight for peace?
America’s appetite for war keeps growing. From the White House, to Congress, from the Pentagon to defense secretaries past and present, old wars have been re-ignited, new ones started and the prospects for a perpetual state of war are being sold as the American way. The “liberal-progressive” wing of the Democratic Party, which flexes its...
Two major geopolitical trend lines will be drawn in 2015: Support more wars or fight for peace. What course will be taken? Which will prove successful? What countries will wage more war? Which countries will wage peace? Will fighting for peace be seen as heroic? Or will joining forces with politicians, the military and defense experts to fight...