Across the nation, states and cities are implementing new COVID Rules & Regulations to stop the rising virus cases. Again, as we have continually noted – and obvious for all to see – the reason case numbers are going up is because of the massive amounts of people willing or ordered to be tested.
As we have detailed in the Trends Journal, the most performed PCR tests are inaccurate (see our 10 November article “‘GOLD STANDARD’ COVID TEST INTRINSICALLY FLAWED.’”)
Indeed, what made the news last week was Tesla billionaire Elon Musk and the Grammy-winning songstress Erykah Badu who received both positive and negative COVID tests results.
But while the fallacy of the tests made the news one day, it was discarded and forgotten the next, with the mainstream headlines blaring out the news of spiking cases.
NEW YORK. Governor Andrew Cuomo announced new COVID restrictions last Wednesday, as much of the country prepares for the holiday season.
The ruler of the State issued a new curfew for bars and restaurants and ordered all dine-in service to close by 10:00 PM. Additionally, all indoor gatherings at private residences must not include more than ten people.
“If you look at where the cases are coming from, if you do the contact tracing, you’ll see they’re coming from three main areas: establishments where alcohol is served, gyms, and indoor gatherings at private homes,” Cuomo said in a statement.
Mayor Bill de Blasio, the City’s Democrat mayor, said last week if NYC’s infection rate hits 3 percent, he will order the closure of all schools and force children to learn remotely. The New York Post reported the most heavily affected students in the City come from low-income families. Many of these parents are looking to send their children to Catholic schools, which have reportedly received 2,000 applications from public-school students.
TRENDPOST: Close at 10:00 PM? Why not 9:45 or 11:12 PM?
Indoor gatherings at private residences allowed no more than ten people? Why not nine or 13? Does age or gender make a difference?
We note this to continue to emphasize both the arrogance and ignorance of dictators-of-state making up rules and regulations that totally lack scientific research and data to support their made-up mandates.
Yet, the media and the majority public salute their political leaders, obediently following their orders… just as they will to line up and be vaccinated. And those who refuse will be demeaned as conspiracy theorists and “right wing” activists.
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: As illustrated with the following states and cities, numerous lockdown/restrictive measures are being imposed across the nation. Again, absent in the mainstream media reporting are the randomness of the measures and the total lack of scientific evidence to support mandates that have robbed citizens of their Constitutional Rights.          
NEW JERSEY. reported Governor Phil Murphy had an “emergency summit” with Governor Cuomo and other governors from surrounding states.
The paper reported that it is challenging to determine whether or not these new cases are due to the virus re-emerging with a vengeance or the result of widespread testing. The report said cases in the state hit a new high on Sunday, and the 135 patients on ventilators is the highest since June. But the paper reported the number of deaths per day is well below mid-April’s number of 400. There were 26 deaths on Saturday.
CHICAGO. Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced last Thursday there was a new stay-at-home “advisory” for the Windy City, and she told residents they “must cancel the normal Thanksgiving plans.”
“If changes are not made by Chicago residents, businesses, and visitors to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the city is on track to lose 1,000 more Chicagoans by the end of the year or even more,” Lightfoot said in a statement.
City residents have been advised to only leave home for essential needs, work, or school. Lightfoot wants residents to use remote communication for the holiday and avoid any contact with “even trusted family or friends.” The advisory will be in place for 30 days, and those who disregard the guidelines could be fined.
OHIO. Governor Mike DeWine issued a statewide mask mandate last week requiring everyone to wear face coverings while outdoors.
“It’s on fire,” DeWine said, according to the Wall Street Journal. “We’ve never seen anything like this. Our spring surge and summer surge were nowhere like this.”
Governor DeWine has issued new provisions that include a “Retail Compliance Unit,” which will inspect businesses to make sure they are adhering to the mandates.
NEW MEXICO. Governor Lujan Grisham announced a two-week shutdown, which started on Monday. The shutdown will force gyms and hair salons to close and eliminated all dining at restaurants due to an uptick in cases in the state.
Houses of worship cannot exceed 25 percent capacity in any enclosed building or 75 people at a time, reported.
Governor Grisham said the majority of the virus’s spread has been occurring at family gatherings, according to the channel, and announced no more than five people should be gathered for Thanksgiving celebrations.
TRENDPOST: Two weeks, end of month, second week of December: name the country, city, state and invent a time to lock down and open up to kill the virus. Again, by their deeds you shall know them, and, as evidenced, these mandates lack any scientific data to support them.
For some states, 50 is OK for a house of worship, regardless of the size of the house. Why 75 in New Mexico?
And while New York State’s “Boss” Cuomo declares it’s OK for ten family members to gather, the ruler of New Mexico says no more than five.  
What about families with children and parents that add up to more than five or ten? Will they be broken up by government goon squads for overpopulating their homes? 
Again, in America, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, has devolved into, as we wrote in our 16 June Trends Journal, the U.S.S.A. – YOU MUST OBEY OUR RULES.

OREGON. Governor Kate Brown announced new restrictions due to the outbreak of virus cases in her state. Governor Brown’s “freeze” order limits the size of social gatherings to no more than six, The Oregonian reported. Those not in compliance could face citations or arrests, the paper said.

“The situation is dangerous, and our hospitals have been sounding the alarms,” Brown said. She urged all residents in the state to wear masks both indoors and outdoors. CNBC reported that she said it is “very clear that masks save lives.”

TRENDPOST: In New York, up to ten people can socialize and just five in New Mexico, but Oregon’s governor says NO MORE THAN SIX AND YOU WILL BE FINED, ARRESTED, AND PUNISHED IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW HER ORDERS!
Again, as evidenced, these numbers are being made up. 
And, no, it is not “very clear that masks save lives.” We have provided the scientific facts that the vast majority of masks worn do not eliminate exposure to the risk of any disease or infection. In fact, wearing a mask may harm a person’s life, as we have also written extensively in previous issues of the Trends Journal. 
NORTH DAKOTA. Governor Doug Burgum announced an executive order on Friday that makes face masks mandatory where physical distancing is not possible, which will be enforced by a $1,000 fine.
The governor also ordered a 10:00 PM curfew on bars and restaurants, which are required to operate at no more than 50 percent capacity. Rick Becker, a state lawmaker who is a surgeon, criticized Governor Burgum’s restrictions and said, “Where is the data that shows COVID comes out more after 10 o’clock?”
TRENDPOST: Indeed, not only is there no data to show COVID comes out at 10 o’clock, why 50 percent bar and restaurant capacity when other states and cities are saying 25 percent?  
Why? Because they are making it up.  
And rather than call them or their misinformed, random mandates out, which are robbing people of their freedom and destroying business, lives, and livelihoods, the Presstitutes get dressed up in masks with no one around them to deliver the news… to sell the fear and hysteria that both they and the politicians are peddling.
MICHIGAN. Governor Gretchen Whitmer called on high schools and colleges in her state to stop in-person classes and ordered restaurants to halt indoor dinning service, which will extend three weeks.
Her orders prompted Dr. Scott Atlas, a member of Trump’s coronavirus task force, to respond to Whitmer’s new orders by tweeting that Michiganders should “rise up.”
“The only way this stops is if people rise up,” Atlas tweeted. “You get what you accept.”
Whitmer called Atlas’ tweet “reckless.”
However, the Lansing State Journal reported yesterday that even Michigan public health officials say another lockdown would do little to stop the spread of the virus.
Ingham County Health Officer Linda Vail said that while stay-home orders helped drive down case rates in the spring, the state is “in a different context related to case numbers and hospitalizations.”
She said forcing isolation and quarantine is a “different kind of health tool for a different context” and won’t work to control community spread,” and “You can’t isolate and quarantine your way out of that.”
TRENDPOST: Closing schools is a direct contradiction to what medical professionals have expressed. (See our articles in this issue “KIDS DON’T SPREAD COVID” and DATA CONFIRMS SCHOOLS AREN’T SUPER-SPREADERS).
 And while other states are allowing indoor dining, Michigan does not, and while some states and nations close down for two weeks, Michigan says three.
PUERTO RICO. Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced announced last Friday she would deploy its National Guard to make sure residents were following the island’s new restrictions that were set to go into effect on Monday.
The Associated Press reported that of the 3.2 million who live on the island, there have been 40,500 confirmed cases and more than 900 deaths or 0.027 percent of its population died from the virus. The new restrictions include no beach access to anyone unless they are doing exercise.
Army Major General José Reyes, Adjutant General of the Puerto Rico National Guard, told the Military Times, “We are going to patrol with the police. But the Puerto Rico National Guard will not detain or arrest any civilians” and troops will not be armed.
Governor Vázquez said the government will force restaurants, casinos, gyms, and churches to operate at 30 percent, the Times reported.
“We will not under any circumstance allow our health system to be placed at risk. There are many who have lowered their guard and have not understood that this pandemic is still with us,” she said, according to the paper.
TRENDPOST: Puerto Rico never recovered from the economic devastation of Hurricane Maria, which had a $45 billion impact on its economy.
In bankruptcy mode, Puerto Rico is burdened with a $70-billion public debt load. And with some 7 percent of its GDP tourism based, the COVID War is further driving the already dismal economy further downward.
TRENDPOST: As the COVID War continues to rage and more nations impose strict lockdown measures, the “Greatest Depression” will worsen and more people will be thrown into poverty.
According to the World Economic Forum, COVID-19 is likely to push between 88 and 115 million people into extreme poverty, according to the Poverty and Shared Prosperity Report 2020.

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