“Trust the science” was never a goal.
The refusal of government and big tech censors to allow scientific openness concerning practically any element of the COVID War was evidenced again this week, as YouTube banned a presentation by several eminent German scientists.
A live streamed video of different specialists addressing the negative consequences of COVID-19 vaccinations was taken down by YouTube, according to LifeSiteNews.
During a news briefing on Monday, the academics revealed the findings of eight autopsy performed on patients who died after receiving COVID-19 inoculations.
Within the first hour, the video of the incident, headlined “Cause of death after COVID-19 immunization, undisclosed components included in the vaccinations,” received approximately 5,000 views. YouTube immediately took it down, citing “violations of YouTube’s community standards.”
Prof. Dr. Arne Buckhar, Prof. Dr. Walter Lang, and Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz, three renowned German pathologists, presented their results after autopsies of eight individuals who died within two weeks of vaccination at the press conference.
Pathologists were able to establish that the COVID-19 vaccination was to blame for the fatalities. Buckhar identified vaccine-induced myocarditis as the initial diagnosis and leading cause of mortality, and microscopic images of the ensuing tissue changes were presented.
The meeting also included the findings of an Austrian research group’s investigation of the composition of the different COVID-19 vaccines. The results were consistent with those of other investigators in Japan and the United States, who found undeclared metallic elements in the blood of vaccinated individuals after they had received the COVID vaccines.
The academics spoke about the negative consequences on live patients, such as reproductive issues and thrombosis. They concluded by emphasizing the need of gathering data on COVID vaccine side effects and urging more openness from health authorities.
Within 24 hours of the video being live streamed, YouTube removed it.

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