In America, week after week, the state of Florida receives the media spotlight for the recent spike in coronavirus cases, while New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo receives high praise from the Presstitutes for his skills in fighting the COVID War.
Ignored by them is that of a population of 19.5 million, some 33,000 New Yorkers died of the virus under his command compared to 9,500 in Florida, with a population of 21.5 million. Yet, the facts are ignored, and for the Junk Food/Junk News/Junk Brain public, they, too, praise Governor Cuomo and deride Florida’s Governor DeSantis for failing to stop the virus from spreading.
Pumping up the “Florida Failure,” last Wednesday, the New York Times headline, under the subhead of “Florida Statistics,” blared, “Younger, Black and Increasingly at Risk.”
While the Times focused on the fact that in July, over 100 Floridians died who were between the ages of 25-44, implying the virus is dangerous to younger people, there was little mention many of them were clinically obese.
In the 12 August article, the writer starts with the death of Herman J. Castro, a 32-year-old manager of a McDonald’s in the central region of Florida. His condition before contracting the virus wasn’t mentioned, but the photo of him clearly depicts he was significantly overweight.
The Times article cited, “Through July, about 3,800 people in the United States in the 25-44 age group had died from coronavirus,” spreading the same line “health officials” have globally that “young people have been overly reckless in resuming social activities at parties and bars.”
Yet, much further into the article, it mentioned, “Many of the younger victims had diabetes or were obese highlighting the risks people with health problems face no matter their age.”
Even further buried in the article was the important fact that the deaths of younger people from the virus is a result of “long-existing social and health inequities between Black and white people. African-Americans were more likely to have co-morbidities, like diabetes or obesity, even at a young age, which could make them more vulnerable to the virus and put them at a higher risk of death.”
At the end of the article, sadly, and with all due respect to the loss of their loved ones, the writer quotes the mother of a young man who was 22 who died of the virus, who was 300 pounds, and notes his father, who was “a smoker, with diabetes and hypertension,” died two days later.
TRENDPOST: According to Dr. Scott Atlas, former Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, “If you do not already have an underlying chronic condition, your chances of dying are small, regardless of age.”

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