In Memoriam: our beloved friend, Bradley J. Steiner, passed on December 5, 2020.
In his legacy, we are fighting the “Brad Steiner fight” – the good fight. The fight for each person to be the person they want to be and to protect themselves when their lives are being viciously threatened by enemies of Freedom, Peace, and Justice. 
The big question:
Do you have the necessary will to do what is required to remain safe, to survive, to secure your loved ones, and to prosper as Western society continues to decline?
Make no mistake about it: We are at that point. It’s time for toughness, resolve, action, and will on the part of the good humans left among us if we intend to survive.
“Self-defense” must encompass much more than mastering personal unarmed and armed combat skills and preparing one’s person, home, and place of business to remain secure while brainless animals riot, rant, rave, vandalize, and worse. Yes, armed and unarmed combat is essential… but much more is needed.
Americans are going to confront atrocious conditions that have not yet previously been experienced in our Nation. For example, our school system – elementary through graduate levels in the universities – has been in a state of abominable decline for more than 70 years now. And it keeps getting worse!
To deal with it, we who see what is happening need not only to counteract it (by educating ourselves and seeing to proper home education for our young) but also to remain calm and quiet as the garbage who feed on and off of this “system” continue to exploit it and to participate in it.
To be an overt enemy of the insanity is to invite its wrath; and since the savages now enjoy political power, overt confrontation means serious trouble – possibly ruin. In your mind, however… and in the minds of your young whom you will be educating correctly… there must be a steel wall blocking out any acceptance of the prevailing manure.
Your will must be such that you adhere passionately, stubbornly, resolutely, and unwaveringly to your faith in God; your commitment to liberty, free enterprise, self-reliance, personal defense, and autonomy; and all that is rational, just, and right.
No matter what evil may be going on around you, you must remain impervious to its influence and secure in the knowledge that your values are right, reasonable, healthy, and correct. And you must exercise an iron will as the sewer waters rise, so as not to have your soul and your intellect drowned in the socialist muck.
Yes, you need self-defense abilities and confidence, with and without weapons, more than ever – now that the threat to your dignity, well-
being, safety, and autonomy are coming from many who now act under the color of law. It was bad enough when all you had to concern yourself with was being able to defend against violent criminals who were social outcasts and offenders whom the system stood ready to prosecute and imprison. Now, God help us, you witness legal officers in positions of state authority who act to prosecute law-abiding citizens when these individuals clearly act in self-defense. Acting now in self-defense against those vermin who are politically protected and in favor can bring you grief. It takes an unwavering will to confront and sustain oneself in the face of this! It is not easy… and I would bet it will be more difficult as the months and years roll by.
In my many years of self-defense training, I have discovered that successful candidates for marvelous, elite military units such as the army’s Special Forces and the Navy’s SEALs were in no sense “supermen.” What enabled them to pass the rigors of training and cope with the demands of military missions was an indomitable WILL.
These men did not comprehend the notion of “quitting,” “giving up,” “surrendering,” “retreating from a mission,” etc. No matter the obstacles; regardless of the dangers; despite the odds; no matter what “almost everybody else” might have assessed as hopeless, pointless, or too great a challenge, these warriors remained steadfast!
Sure, they possessed weapons skills, and only a damn fool would try to tackle one of them in unarmed combat… but their distinctive trait, their unalterable mindset that saw them through to accomplishing whatever their task or mission, was an IRON WILL.
Many of these men whom I knew (during the Vietnam era) lived through trials and hardships and challenges that would make coping with that which we as private citizens now face in urban America seem like a stroll in the park. Like the strong spirit and iron will of Taekwon-Do and the other martial arts and ways that I assimilated, the iron will of true warriors is, much more so than mere muscles and guns, what sees them through to victory.
by Bradley J. Steiner

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