As with the question of whether or not masks are effective in preventing transmission of COVID-19, and whether wearing them will be required or not, the answers to questions about the effectiveness of the COVID vaccines change from day to day. And the answers change from day to day because the statistics that inform them change from day to day also. reports, on 28 July, that, based on a study involving 44,000 volunteers, the efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine declines over six months, from over 96 percent to 84 percent.
But just last week, Trends Journal reported on findings from Israel’s Health Ministry (“ISRAEL: COVID DRUG MUCH LESS EFFECTIVE THAN WHAT WE’VE BEEN SOLD”) that showed the very same vaccine dropping 42 percent in its ability to protect from COVID infection since the beginning of Israel’s vaccination program. And among persons receiving the shots in the early phases of the program, the vaccine’s ability to protect against severe illness dropped 60 percent. 
And that’s just one example. The answers to questions about vaccine effectiveness are all over the map. But they all still manage to lead to the same conclusion: vaccines are still the way to fight the virus, and if one or two shots don’t do the job, then more shots are needed. 
This uncertainty over effectiveness has been an ongoing theme since the COVID War began, which TJ has continued to cover, as in 30 March 2021’s “ASTRAZENECA VACCINE DATA UNDER FIRE.” And one thing that article points out is that, while different studies might yield different numbers due to “errors” like out-of-date information, inaccurate data or other “missteps,” any questions raised by those outside the unholy alliance of government, Big Pharma and the Presstitutes are “misinformation” and cannot be permitted.

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