In a wide ranging article series titled “The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports,” Catherine Austin Fitts of The Solari Report maps the grand strategy of globalists that she believes will ensnare every human in a digital enslavement and control system. Below are some excerpts from Part 2 of that series…
The battle for digital identities is well underway, and vaccine id passports is only one entry point they are utilizing to move everyone onto the Blockchain. This isn’t about a virus or a vaccine passport, it is a means to create everyone’s digital identity. Some people are aware of the “digital identity” future that central banks and corrupt organizations are implementing, to connect everyone into the smart grid, smart cities, and digital currency, for full power and control over everyone’s lives, but few understand their full intentions and just how large this operation is, while they create other distractions in the world. This multi-part report will break down the operation of creating the digital identities and reveal specifics as to who is carrying out which portion, how far along they are, and where it is headed, so that people won’t be blindly led into their traps, can make educated choices, and collaborate to build strategies to circumvent it…
“Going Direct Reset,” designed by BlackRock. Approved by the G-7 central bankers on August 22, 2019, the central bankers and their private owners began executing a fundamental restructuring of the global financial system that will end currency as we know it, and initiate a digital control structure that will permit a level of central control that most people can not fathom.
There are several coordinating groups that gather many of the important implementers and publish information that provides insight into the Reset. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921 as a U.S. think tank on foreign policy and international affairs, is a group of members that coordinate to affect government policies. It boasts many important members that play key roles in their professional capacities, so it is always wise to pay attention to what they are up to. Similarly, the World Economic Forum (WEF) acts as a gathering place for coordinating with leading implementers across many sectors. It, by itself, is not all powerful, but some of its members certainly are. Founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, it is equivalent to a PR firm who puts a spin on marketing materials, giving the public a glimpse into their plans, while dressing it up in an attractive way. For this reason, it is equally important to pay attention to the members and publications they are spinning out. So how are some of these members working together to implement the agendas and strategies that align with the complete control the owners of the central bankers wish to have?
On the surface, the UN created the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development, which in a nutshell is about using a global regulatory structure combine with the climate change hoax to move forward their global goals to control all resources and the lives of everyone, under the guise of saving the planet. The World Economic Forum publishes information on “The Great Reset” which is a watered-down version of their grand plan to look more appealing to the public, particularly young people…
 The WEF, UN, governments, central banks and money managers, organizations, foundations, and NGOs are all promoting “climate change” and Covid as a means to implement their agendas, moving everyone into the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” of complete digital control and surveillance over the world and all human beings.
They each have their areas of expertise when it comes to building the digital identities, which is the key to making this all happen. There are the software developers of several areas, certifiers, consultants and strategists, standardization and guidelines, regulators, government liaisons, so-called privacy setters, finance, cross country coordinators, and of course narrative control. Countries are all building toward this same goal…
On June 13, 2019, The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the UN signed a strategic partnership framework to expedite the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development, with focus on financing the agenda, climate change, health, digital cooperation, gender equality and empowerment of women, education and skills. The digital cooperation includes meeting “the needs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution while seeking to advance global analysis, dialogue and standards for digital governance and digital inclusiveness.”…
Following this press release, 289 organizations and 27 individuals from all regions of the world, signed a letter to the United Nations Secretary General to terminate the strategic partnership agreement between the WEF and UN, calling it a form of corporate capture due to the public-private partnerships involved with WEF, who they feel have carried out activities that have caused or worsened the social and environmental crises that the planet faces, and how they are a threat to the UN, stating “This agreement between the UN and WEF formalizes a disturbing corporate capture of the UN. It moves the world dangerously towards a privatized and undemocratic global governance”…
It should come as no surprise that AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Quest Diagnostics, other big pharma and bioscience, Mayo Clinic, major central banks and investment firms including BlackRock, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Paypal, countless tech companies, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Open Society Foundations, New York Times, TIME Magazine, Walmart, Amazon, Uber, UPS, Zoom, and too many organizations out of China to count, are all partners under the meeting space of the WEF, and many individuals within those organizations are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Essentially, the entire Covid gang is involved, and in big part, the only organizations that remained open during Covid lockdowns…
So what are they doing? Here it is: they are convincing people that by having a vaccine id passport, you will feel safer, get access to locations, be able to fly, all in the name of convenience, while the other arms are extending a welcoming hand to build your own digital identity because it will store all of your information in one convenient location… and the best part is that you won’t have to worry about doing your taxes anymore, because they’ll just pull it right out of your bank account and send it off to big gov. In all cases, it begins with a QR code. That single symbol, call it the mark of the beast if you will, will single-handedly link to your personal data, that will eventually reside on the Blockchain.
From education to health records, finances, accounts, travel, contact info, and more, will all be linked to your QR code, along with biometrics and fingerprints, then stored on the Blockchain. There will no longer be drivers licenses or passports. Human beings will be part of the Blockchain. Every product will be on the Blockchain, and wifi products will have their own ips so they can light up the world with an astronomical smart grid of hotspots. Every vehicle will be on the Blockchain, and moved from gas to electric to autonomous. They have been building smart cities across the globe for over a decade, and most people don’t even realize their own city is already equipped and the infrastructure is well underway. This all ties into the “smart grid” surveillance system, with human beings as the main target.
As the World Economic Forum likes to spin it – “You’ll own nothing… and you’ll be happy.”…
The entire first and second entire articles of the series are available here.

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