Sen. Lindsey Graham, who recently called on someone to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin, said in an interview Monday that President Joe Biden is “owned” by his Russian counterpart.
Graham—a fat mouth nothing of a man who could not fight his way out of a paper bag and has adored every war the U.S. started—was discussing the U.S.’s decision not to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine, which many see as the beginning of WWIII. 
He was asked by Fox News’ Sean Hannity about Biden’s decision to turn down the idea of Poland delivering two dozen older-model MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine.
“Because Putin owns Biden,” Graham said, “Biden is afraid of escalation. He’s afraid of making Putin mad. As the troops were building up around the Ukraine, Republicans and Democrats said, put sanctions on Putin for provocation of a military buildup, don’t wait until the invasion.”
Biden on Monday, once again, warned that Moscow could be planning a chemical or biological attack due to its frustrations with the war effort.
Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, posted on Twitter Sunday that 10 million Ukrainians have fled their homeland due to the conflict. 
Ukraine claims that its military has killed 15,000 Russian troops since the start of the conflict. A recent U.S. estimate put the number at about 7,000. The UN said Sunday that 902 civilians have been killed—mostly in Russian separatist Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Ukraine announced on 13 March that at least 1,300 of its troops have been killed since the start of the war. These numbers are nearly impossible to verify. Russia’s Defense Ministry said on 2 March that nearly 3,000 have died.
TREND FORECAST: Ramping up the prospects for instigating a NATO war against Russia—since the Kremlin will most likely take military action should Poland send in jets and other nations send troops and/or armaments into Ukraine—yesterday, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said the U.S. will defend Baltic and eastern European nations if they are attacked by Russia.
Imagine the arrogance and stupidity of such a comment that goes unchallenged?
Hey shithead Blinken! Now here this… are you going to go defend Baltic and eastern Europe or are you going to send others to fight for you?
And moronic clown, the United States couldn’t beat 89 thousand Taliban troops in the 20 year Afghan War, couldn’t beat the Iraqis, Syrians or Vietnamese and you’re selling the crap that the U.S. can beat the Russians?
As we have forecast, if we do not unite for peace, the warmongering psychopaths in power will lead us into WWIII. 
Ukraine Can Fight as Long as it Has Supplies 
Philip Osborn, the former head of the U.K.’s Defense Intelligence, told reporters on Sunday that he believes the Ukrainian fighters can continue the war effort as long as Western countries continue to provide weaponry.
Osborn told Sky News that it is clear that Ukrainian troops have been preparing of the conflict.
“They have also got a strength of will and the application of good weaponry,” he said. “Frankly, I think they will hold out as long as we can supply them and for as long as their morale holds up, and those are two very easy things to say but really challenging to do.”
The Trends Journal has reported extensively on Western countries providing Ukraine with anti-tank rockets and other weapons. (See “WAR IN UKRAINE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW” and “WHITE HOUSE ASKS CONGRESS FOR $32.5 BILLION TO FIGHT UKRAINE AND COVID WAR.”)
The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that—in addition to billions in aid —the U.S. has been providing Ukraine with air defense systems that it acquired “decades ago.”
One U.S. official told the paper that the systems include an SA-8, a mobile, short-range tactical surface missile system, that can help Kyiv create a “de facto no-fly zone, since the U.S. and its NATO allies have rebuffed Ukraine’s appeals that the alliance establish one.”
Slovakia also announced last week that it will send Kyiv long-range missile defense systems, which hinge on the U.S. providing replacements, the Financial Times reported. These Soviet-era S-300 systems are seen as particularly valuable because Ukrainian forces are familiar with them.
TREND FORECAST: The West’s decision to provide Ukraine with lethal “defensive” weapons in its war with Russia puts these countries at the edge of war. Russia said earlier this month that it would consider these shipments to Kyiv as “legitimate targets.”
Yet, the only message from politicians and the mainstream media is to increase the military conflict rather than work toward a peace agreement. Again, we continue to note that neither Napoleon nor Hitler could defeat Russia. Thus, to think that Ukraine can defeat Russia’s military is nonsensical.
Today, the CNN (Cartoon News Network) headline blared: “Zelensky says Mariupol is being ‘reduced to ashes.’” But for some three weeks, the mainstream media has featured their little group of “military experts” and the U.S. and European politicians calling Ukrainians “heroes” that can defeat the Russians… which is idiotic and unnecessarily destructive. 
Indeed, we have reported how President Biden kept bragging that the U.S. would send more military supplies and armaments to fight the Russians, rather than stop the fighting and negotiate for peace. 

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