
Because war has been so ubiquitous since the advent of cable-television news, the millennial existence is defined by its presence. There is no time millennials know without war, no alternative to the violent images and media blabber. Thus, war has freely been glorified by the media — owned almost entirely by giant corporations whose aims are to profit from American tastes.

This trend has bled into other aspects of life. 

Professional athletes, the majority of whom are millennials, refer to their teammates as “soldiers.” Games are “wars” fought on the “battlefield.” And every Memorial Day, July 4 and 9/11, all Major League Baseball teams wear military camouflage uniforms and hats, all in the name of propaganda.

It’s in health care, too. We’re no longer just attempting to cure cancer; we’re also fighting it and killing it, with T-shirts, headbands and pink wristbands designed with, you guessed it, camouflage.

This trend will continue, especially as America continues to occupy bases and drop soldiers in all corners of the world. Now, more than ever, the lines are blurred: Millennials have learned that if you speak against war, you speak against supporting soldiers, and against courageous first pitches and thundering national-anthem performances.

Some know this is dangerous.

Most millennials don’t even think about it.

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