Lawmakers nationwide will pitch pot-legalization laws as a means to drive new tax revenues, but ultimately will be challenged to show how the money was actually spent to advance public priorities, like infrastructure improvements. Those state laws eventually will shape federal legislation favoring companies and industries long in bed with government.
Politicians will be heavily lobbied to accelerate product-to-market avenues for Big Pharma and other industries.
Taxes on marijuana likely will be heavy and vary widely from state to state.
Neighborhood “pot-eries” springing up in Colorado eventually will be replaced by branded, marketed, consumer-friendly pot products designed for and targeted at specific demographic groups.
Ancillary businesses, from boutique pot hotels to gift shops, from fashion to art, will evolve, but market share will be limited.
Oil- and food-based marijuana products will grow in use and popularity because heavy users can disguise their use. In addition, these types of marijuana can be adapted in different ways to different product lines.
Human-resource directors will be busy. Companies will have to create guidelines and policies covering pot consumption in the workplace. While those guidelines may well mirror workplace alcohol restrictions, the range and variety of pot products we’ll see down the road make it more difficult to detect workplace use.
Low-volume, relatively innocuous street dealers will be impacted. In states where marijuana is fully legalized, they’ll be compelled to find new ways to compete. Street dealers will do well where legislation is enacted similar to Washington, D.C.’s, which allows small quantities of marijuana to be grown or consumed.