By Gregory Mannarino
Right now The World is clenched deep in a full on debt crisis. This “debt crisis” DEMANDS that more debt be created exponentially every single day, just to keep the global economy functioning at its current level. Every manner of other “crisis” will subsequently be used to keep the flow of debt being borrowed into existence growing, it cannot stop. Wars, the threat of more wars, nuclear or otherwise, seems to be the current plague being thrust upon the peoples of the world today simply to disguise the FACT, that all this is just simply a mechanism to keep the global CENTRAL BANK RUN debt-based system going.
But you are not supposed to know that…
Crisis, to crisis, to crisis.
It’s really very simple. 
Have you ever taken notice of how it seems that the global economy/geopolitical stage appears to be in a constant state of crisis? 
Well, make no mistake about it—that is EXACTLY what is going on, but why?
A state of “crisis” demands that exorbitant amounts of cash MUST be created and then disbursed without question—THE PUBLIC MUST GET BEHIND IT. Moreover, a crisis allows policymakers to make executive decisions, totally circumventing any kind of vote, or conjecture. A crisis is a perfect setup, allowing for unlimited spending—which is of course the sole reason why the “crisis” was engineered to begin with. 
A Crisis must be prolonged.
For any “crisis” to succeed, that is to have its true intended consequences work, they must be prolonged—the longer a crisis can be prolonged, the more cash can be created.
Let’s look at the current “crisis.” At the time I am writing this article we are more than several days into the Russian invasion into Ukraine. For this crisis to play out correctly, it too must be prolonged—it cannot simply be allowed to end in days, it must be allowed to go on from weeks to possibly even months. Along the way, regarding the Russia/Ukraine crisis, the public will be told of “talks,” and a slowing of troop movements, but in truth these are just ways to prolong the conflict.
If we reflect on the last crisis, Covid, it was the same thing—it was prolonged by every mechanism possible. 
Do you find it at all suspicious how just as the last Covid “crisis” is beginning to wane, we are again thrust into yet another crisis?
Oh, and this current “crisis” will not be the last… count on it.

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