The displays last spring and summer of virtue-signaling whites kissing the feet of blacks and performing other groveling actions might not have a 2021 sequel.
“Black Hammer,” a more hardcore offshoot of BLM, is laying down the new rules non-POC’s (People Of Color) must follow to support the cause.
“We allow whites to pay reparations to our organization and volunteer, but they cannot attend our meetings, hold any office, have a say or decision,” said Gazi Kodzo, founder of the group, talking to Hood Communist, a self-styled journalism collective associated with the All-African People’s Revolutionary Army (AAPRP).
It might be tempting to dismiss Kodzo, his ideas, and his group. But “BH Times,” Black Hammer’s official Twitter account, has more than 5,000 followers. They have active GoFundMe, Venmo, and CashApp fund-raising accounts, and they recently purchased 200 acres in Colorado. Reporter Sam Faddis noted Black Hammer chapters are sprouting up across the country.
The declared purpose of the land acquisition is to start building “Hammer City.” The place apparently won’t be adhering to colonialist tax codes or other edicts. It’s envisioned as a separatist Communist state with whites, even groveling ones, not welcome.
Kodzo explained the goals of Black Hammer in the Hood Communist interview:
“The Black Hammer is an anti-colonial mass organization. Our organization consists only of Colonized people, non-white people: they are all either Poor or Proletarian…
The Black Hammer’s credo is that the organization is focused on building Black Power. Our mission is, under the leadership of the Colonized Proletariat, to use our collective power to strengthen all sectors of the Colonized Nation.”
Woke Segregation Funded by Reparations
The segregation at website sign-up page is distilled into two big red buttons. One is reserved for POC’s who can “Join the Revolution.” 
The other specifies, “Are you a white person looking to contribute and unite with anti-colonial revolution? Curious about the colonizer’s role in this decolonization process? Join the Reparations Corps today!”
“Reparations” is more than just a buzzword of divisive radicals. The effort to further subject whites to legally disfavored status in America took another step this past April when the Congressional House Judiciary Committee voted for H.R. 40. The measure established a “Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act.” Mainline leftist groups including the George Soros-funded Human Rights Watch hailed the measure as a “historic” milestone. 
Whites already face legal discrimination in hiring and (along with Asian applicants) in college acceptances due to quotas and other special considerations designed to promote “minority” hiring. And anti-white propaganda and vitriol have reached new levels in academia and in corporate and popular culture. Disney, to give just one recent example, made news for pressuring employees to adopt tenets of critical race theory, “decolonize” their bookshelves, and participate in reparations.
In that light, the tenets of Black Hammer seem more like a prologue than a farce. Though guilty white liberals will be saddened to learn they may never be allowed to snap selfies while servicing POC’s in Hammer City, Black Hammer has posted further guidelines for what GWL’s can do:
“Are you white? Do you want to help? Do you want to be a good person, on the right side of history?
The only way you can wash the blood off your hands is through following the leadership of African, Indigenous, and Colonized people and paying reparations for all that’s been stolen in your name.
Black Hammer Organization wants you to join the Reparations Corps to relearn history and find your place in building a world without exploitation. The tuition for the boot camp is the start of paying reparations. This is your way colonizers (white people) to get involved in changing the world, make the choice today to get on the right side of history.
Mao Level – $199 minimum
Sankara Level – $99 minimum
Che Level – $40”
Black Hammer hasn’t run afoul of those famously vague and politically flexible Big Tech “Community Guidelines” that have doomed even milquetoast conservative orgs and personalities. This despite the group promulgating anti-white and anti-Jewish sentiments, including members commenting about burning The Diary of Anne Frank at night in the Colorado mountains to keep warm. 

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