The Syrian Foreign Ministry last week sent a letter to the UN Security Council and Antonio Guterres, the secretary-general, about alleged war crimes committed by the U.S.-led coalition in the Raqqa back in 2017.

The U.S.-led coalition killed hundreds of civilians and left the city in rubble. The U.S. fought to free the city from ISIS from June 2017 to October 2017. 

RAND Corporation, the think tank, released a report in March done more to reduce civilian casualties.

“U.S. forces faced a considerable risk trade-off in conducting what was primarily an air campaign against ISIS in Raqqa and relying only on a limited ground presence,” the report said. “Having more ground forces… could have improved U.S. and coalition capabilities to mitigate and respond to civilian harm through interactions with local populations inside Raqqa.”

Syria claims the goal of the bombings was to destroy infrastructure, public and private property, and target civilians, Sputnik news reported.

TRENDPOST: As Gerald Celente has been stating since America’s illegal invasion of Iraq, based on lies that Saddam Hussain had weapons of mass destruction, “Do you think America would invade if Iraq’s major export was broccoli?”

It also should be noted the initial reason given for U.S. military presence in Syria was not fighting ISIS, but rather President Barack Obama’s demand that its president, Bashar al-Assad, had to go. 

Why? “A U.S.-backed deal to develop oil fields in northern Syria is helping the State and Defense departments push for a continued American troop presence in the area…current and former U.S. officials told Foreign Policy.”

FP also wrote that “The deal, in which the Delaware-based Delta Crescent Energy is to revamp Syrian oil fields in conjunction with Kurdish authorities, was first revealed during a Senate hearing exchange between South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last week.

Current and former U.S. officials say the arrangement will both starve the Bashar al-Assad regime of money and give U.S. officials a way to make the case to keep troops on the ground in a still critical theater.”

Yet, that America has illegally invaded a foreign nation that posed no threat, if just fine with Washington and the Presstitutes who put out for their government whore masters and corporate pimps. 

However, when Russians follow the American way of war, they are condemned as “evil-doers” and attacked by the U.S. and NATO for their actions. 

TRENDPOST: Rarely mentioned in the media and by Washington is the illegal war against President Assad launched by President Barack Obama and the Arab League and continued by the Trump administration, which has resulted in the death of some 600,000 Syrian civilians, displaced over ten million, and bombed major cities, such as Raqqa, into rubble. 

Also totally ignored by the mainstream media and politicians across Europe in their fight against increasing illegal immigration are the Afghan, Iraq, Libyan, Syrian, Yemen wars that have forced people escaping for their lives to find safe-haven refuges in European nations.

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