The Associated Press last week described a scene in Stockholm, Sweden, which surely would make health officials in most Western nations squirm.
The wire service described a train pulling into a subway station in the central part of the city and groups of people bustling about without wearing those now-ubiquitous surgical masks worn across the world by mostly everyone between the ages of 2 and 102.
But the scene at the train station represented Sweden’s coronavirus approach, under its chief epidemiologist, Dr. Anders Tegnell, who, as we have long been reporting, shunned the widely adopted lockdowns and curfews that were put into place by neighboring countries.
Dr. Tegnell told a local newspaper the infection rate is “slowly but surely going in the wrong direction in Sweden, even if the situation is not as serious as in other parts of Europe.” Deaths have not increased significantly, reports said.
The Washington Post reported that before the increase, Sweden earned praise from Catherine Smallwood, a WHO official, who said Stockholm has “avoided the increase that has been seen in some of the other countries in western Europe.”
The paper pointed out that Sweden has seen 38.8 new cases out of 100,000 over the past week compared to 319.7 cases per 100,000 in Spain.
TRENDPOST: Again, these facts are mostly ignored by the mainstream media, which are now selling the public to get ready for the second wave, while failing to either recognize or admit, as we have well documented, that their draconian lockdown laws have killed more businesses and destroyed millions more lives than the virus.

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