Swearing might be frowned upon in certain company, but researchers at England’s Keele University say slipping in the occasional curse word during some medical treatments can increase the body’s tolerance of pain.
“Swearing is drug-free, calorie-free, cost-free, and side effects-free, so why not try it,” Dr. Richard Stephens, a senior lecturer in psychology at the university, said, according to The Sun.
These researchers say swearing should be encouraged during certain medical procedures because the act can trigger the body’s fight or flight response to stress and ease pain. The report pointed out that cursing loses its effect when directed at a health care provider.
“If words are the most powerful drug used by mankind, then the physical therapy profession should embrace swearing to change the way our patients think, feel, and perform,” the researchers wrote in the Archives of Physiotherapy.
 TRENDPOST: It is third-grade bullshit that using words that are not part of the “systems” vocabulary are profanity. And the clear hypocrisy of the system is made perfectly clear by the “proper” language and calmness used by the murderous U.S. War Criminal Club. From Bill Clinton, to George Bush and Barack Obama, they all took the nation to war and killed millions without ever using what the system calls a “curse word.” And no one was more toned-down and proper than Obama, who also used the word “folks” to keep “folking” us. 
 And while those who do use “curse” words are attacked and censored, as evidence by the lyrics sung by Grammy winning women, their singing the words Fuck and Shit in their songs is worth an award.

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