If you’re a green energy company trying to grow your business, even though your technology can’t compete against natural gas, oil or nuclear power in the marketplace, what do you do?

You fund deceptive attacks on competing technologies via nominally “independent” nonprofits. 

You condition the public to accept your technology as necessary, even though it can’t supply the energy or prosperity that competing technologies supply.

You fund radical ideologies that advocate “post growth,” while hypocritically doing everything you can to grow your own business and your own personal wealth and prosperity.

Much of the green energy movement is faux, astroturf idealism.  So what’s behind it?

Unsurprisingly, a cynical alliance between the cult of “anti-capitalists,” and green energy entrepreneurs out to vilify and choke off competition.

Nonprofits Shilling Green Energy Funders

Alternative energy companies and businesses often disguise their attempts to vilify and destroy their traditional oil and natural gas competition, by funding non-profit groups to do their dirty work.

It happens on a large scale with mega billionaires like Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Al Gore and the World Economic Forum.

But many small, though still significant players in the so-called “green energy” industry also play the game.

Nonprofits are set up by financially self-interested parties, who stand to profit by greater implementation of alternative energy products.

The nonprofits often push narratives that are biased, pushing alternative energy adoption even as those products are often ill-equipped to compete with traditional energy resources, have their own significant environmental problems, and will result in less energy being available to poor and disadvantaged groups they often claim to support the most.

An illustrative case in point involves a radical “thought-leader” website resilience.org, and its ties to non-profit The Post Carbon Institute, and funders who literally own large alternative energy companies.

Resilience.org is the kind of site that examines every issue against a litmus of its cultural and economic Marxism.

But no longer are bleeding edge anti-capitalists proposing that their alternatives can better supply prosperity to present or future generations.

No.  The mantra of these “green Marxists” is a DeGrowth, or “Post Growth” world.

A ready example at resilience.org is “The Power Podcast Episode 8: Powered Down and Better Off”.

The podcast summary touches all the bases: there are too many on earth consuming too many resources, and the answer is “overhauling economic institutions”:

“Learn how humanity can exercise collective self-restraint to navigate the social and environmental crises of the 21st century. The world is in overshoot. There are too many people consuming too much stuff, and we’re facing climate change, biodiversity loss, and immense social inequality. We’re currently on a pathway to collapse, but the future doesn’t have to be bleak. We can develop communities where we take care of one another and the ecosystems we inhabit. By understanding power relationships, overhauling economic institutions, and nurturing our most honorable cultural and spiritual traditions, we can forge a happy and healthy future. Follow along with sustainability expert Richard Heinberg as he explores these topics and offers sound advice for young people who will be living through turbulent times.” 

Another recent featured article details the “Post Growth” agenda and views of futurist Monika Bielskyte.

It’s not necessary to dwell on Bielskyte’s analysis except to note that a significant aspect of her views entail moving beyond economic growth and material prosperity:

“I often speak about this notion of post growth and how we need to move beyond material growth as a measure of the value of our lives, and towards fully-circular ecosystem living. But there’s one area where I think growth should be desirable, and that’s in the realm of knowledge and experience. Love, learning, and creativity for example, have no boundaries—they can continue growing, unlike material material extraction and pollution on a finite planet.”

Green Business Interests: Cynical Hypocrites

So who’s supporting all that talk of a “post-growth protopia” at resilience.org?

A non-profit more prosaically titled The Post Carbon Institute.  A key figure behind the nonprofit is David Blittersdorf.

According to 2020 Federal tax forms, Blittersdorf contributed 300 thousand in seed money to the organization in 2017.  

The stated purpose of the nonprofit “leads the transition to a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable world.”

What the tax form doesn’t say, is that the organization leads attacks on competing energy technologies, to favor technologies and companies financially connected to the nonprofit’s chief backers.

Blittersdorf (LinkedIn) is CEO of AllEarth Renewables (AER), a company that, according to Blittersdorf’s linkedin page, “designs and manufactures solar power tracking systems that can be combined for use at every scale of net metering: residential, business, and all the way up to large utility-scale solar farms.”

AER, which has about 25 employees, claims to be the leading solar tracking company in the country, with over 5,000 installations.

The company has a page devoted to its political activism, including “netzero Vermont” support and voter registration activities.

It’s important that the financial interests behind alternative energies focus on issues and terms like “clean energy,” “sustainability,” “equity,” and combating “climate change” as little more than business marketing strategy.

And their deceptive claims about their own energy technologies, and smears against competing technologies, are often laundered through chains and webs of nonprofits.

Many people might be interested to learn that AER promotes a “post growth” economic vision where average people make do with less energy resources, less material goods, and less economic prosperity, via sponsorship of initiatives like resilience.org.

Their support for a post-growth agenda only goes so far, though.  The diminished prosperity doesn’t apply to AER itself, which is hypocritically very active in trying to secure more business and economic growth and prosperity for themselves.

For more on the DeGrowth agenda of the Climate Change activists, see:

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