The mission of The Trends Research Institute is to compile and analyze the hard facts and essential current event dynamics forming future trends. 

Don’t wait for the “official” word.

For them, the future is off limits. 

Prepare-Prevail-Prosper now.

As the facts prove, I’m on record as the first to forecast the 1987 stock market crash.

The “Dot Com Bust.”  It’s in the Trends Journal, October 1999. 

In 2007, I took out the domain name the “Panic of ‘08.”  

And, for the past several months, I have forecast the “Greatest Depression,” the first stage of which has already begun.

As I have often noted, if you prepare for the worst and the worst does not happen, you’ve lost nothing.
If you don’t prepare for the worst and the worst happens, you can lose everything.
The Greatest Depression that will be far worse than any economic downturn in modern history.
The facts are clear.
Read them in this first edition of the weekly Trends Journal.

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