For the past two days, it was all the news.

Nothing else in the world counts.

These are the major headlines on 24 September 2019:

  • “Impeachment inquiry is coming” – CNN
  • “Pelosi Plans Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Trump”– The New York Times
  • “Trump Ukraine call: Democratic calls for impeachment grow” – BBC
  • “Pelosi hints at impeachment: ‘We’re ready’” – USA Today

Just as eating junk food fattens you up, devouring junk news sold by the mainstream media dumbs you down.

Take a look at the top headlines splashed across the globe yesterday:

  • “Trump hits back over Pressing Ukraine to hurt Biden campaign”  – Financial Times
  • “Trump shrugs off impeachment talk over call with Ukraine president” – The Guardian
  • “Democrats face reckoning on decision to impeach Trump” – CNN

In the grand scheme of what’s going on in the world, this is just another episode of The Presidential Reality Show®.

Will Trump get impeached?

Will the Senate convict him?

Will it hurt his re-election bid?

Will it help Joe Biden?

This is all essentially junk news that’s spewed out by Presstitutes… paid by corporate pimps and political whoremasters to serve their special interests.

How will watching, looking and listening to the steady stream of Trump/Ukraine/Biden/-impeachment blitz enrich you?

What will it do to improve your business, your job, your family, your health and wealth?

On that front, it’s totally useless!

On the other hand, it may well affect the U.S. equity markets which are overvalued.

It should be noted that in the early stages of calls for impeachment of President Bill “Slick Willie” Clinton back in 1998, the markets tanked some 19.4 percent, according to data from CFRA Research. 

But they rallied quickly even when the proceedings were going on, reversing their entire decline by 28 November 1998.

Beyond whether or not equities will be affected, there are a lot more important events now taking place throughout the world than the Trump impeachment drama.

That’s why you subscribe to the Trends Journal.  

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Thank you for being a valued subscriber.

Pace e Amore,

Gerald Celente

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