New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said in an interview last Thursday he hopes to avoid having to use any “blunt instruments,” as he did when he locked down the state, and he would like to use a “scalpel” this time fight to any new virus outbreaks.
“I think we’re less likely, and please God that this is the case, we’re less likely to use blunt instruments we used in March and April when we shut the garage doors down on everything, and much more likely to use a scalpel and go into a particular community,” he told CNBC’s Squawk Box.
Murphy has been criticized for putting in place restrictions that some residents called draconian.
“First he said he was going to flatten the curve,” State Senator Mike Testa, a Republican, said in September. “Then he said he was going to crush the curve and now he wants zero deaths, which is impossible.”
Murphy has faced lawsuits over his lockdown orders, including one by a gym owner who claimed the governor unconstitutionally shut down her business, according to the New Jersey Herald. The paper said the suit challenges Murphy’s order to close gyms, restaurants, and other “non-essential businesses” under the state’s Civilian Defense and Disaster Control Act.
Sell the Pitch
Murphy told CNBC it is important for public officials to use their “bullhorn” and keep urging residents to wear masks and social distance. He expressed concerns about the weather getting colder in the state and the risk of transmission inside homes but expressed optimism there eventually could be a federal mandate on mask-wearing.
TRENDPOST: New Jersey’s governor, as with New York State’s Governor Andrew Cuomo, has been applauded by the mainstream media and lionized for his draconian lockdown measures, while Florida’s governor, John DeSantis, has been demonized by the Presstitutes for his anti-lockdown stance.
Absent in their reporting is the fact that New Jersey registered 16,336 reported virus deaths… about the same number as Florida’s but with a population 41 percent its size.
TRENDPOST: Also not mentioned from the Presstitutes who provide the platform for dictators to use their “bullhorn,” “blunt instruments,” and “scalpel” on is the fact that over half the virus deaths were elderly people in nursing homes. Thus, instead of Murphy using his “scalpel” to protect those most vulnerable to the virus, his “blunt instrument” killed millions of livelihoods and tens of thousands of businesses.
And, what is also not an issue among the media or the public, in a so-called democratic society, is the governor’s dictatorial rules and regulations that he unilaterally imposes, which are in direct violation of the nation’s Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

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