By Gregory Mannarino,
Make no mistake about it, the U.S. economy is in a full-blown meltdown. This meltdown is a deliberately induced mechanism to wipe out whatever is left of the middle class. Moreover, central banks are well on their way to fulfilling their goal to become the lenders and buyers of last resort and to OWN IT ALL. 
Each and every week, between 700,000 and 800,000 people in America are applying for first-time unemployment benefits. Debts and deficits are HYPER-ballooning and small businesses continue to go belly up. Meanwhile, corporations are stronger and richer than they have ever been! And the stock market is at all-time record highs.
Many months ago, I explained and outlined here in the Trends Journal that the stock market would continue its record-high run, and assets like Bitcoin would continue to skyrocket. Bitcoin is over $60K as I am writing this article. 
I have also outlined how U.S. debts and deficits would continue to explode higher and how the economy would continue to freefall. With regard to the U.S. economy, we are not even close to bottoming out, and the worse the economic news, the higher the stock market will go. 
The mechanism behind the stock market hitting record high after record high is the Federal Reserve, which continues to hyper-inflate in its mission to own it all. Regarding the Federal Reserve hyper-inflating its balance sheet/issuing debt, we have not seen anything yet. 
For the Federal Reserve to fulfill its endgame, it must be allowed to and called on to continue to inflate WAY beyond its current state. In just the last year, the Federal Reserve has inflated its balance sheet over 100%! This is unprecedented, yet not a peep from a single mainstream financial news outlet. Do you think that is just by accident? NO! You are not supposed to know about it. 
Today, America is in the midst of something I have warned over the last decade would happen: the creation of a new feudal system consisting of extreme haves and extreme have-nots. This shift into a new feudal system is propelling the stock market higher; it is a “melt-up.” 
Let me ask you this: Which class of people do you think have the most cash “invested” in the stock market? And where are the investment banks and hedge funds putting the bulk of their cash to work? The answer is: the stock market. 
And think about this:
Which class of people are always the first to get out of a stock market “crash” event? The rich.
Which institutions make money when the stock market falls? The investment banks and hedge funds. 
Which class of people always get stuck holding the bag and watch as their 401K plans and the like get wiped out when a stock market crash scenario occurs? The middle class. 
The entire financial system is a rigged game – rigged against the middle class – and it ALWAYS favors the rich and well-off.
The way we beat the system is to understand the mechanism behind it. 
As I have been outlining for over a decade, the simplest way to this is to bet against the debt and become your own central bank.
How can be accomplished? By taking the opposite side of the ballooning debt hype-bubble by owning and holding physical gold and, more specifically, physical silver, which in my opinion is the most undervalued asset on Earth today. Also, in my professional opinion, by owning and holding cryptocurrencies. 

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