As we have been reporting, from Wall Street to Main Street to the Capitals of the World, the great hope among them and parroted by the media is: “Life will return to normal when a COVID vaccine hits the market.”
The more talk there is about the hopes for a successful COVID-19 vaccine, the more political leaders are letting it be known they plan on making the vaccine mandatory.
“No Jab, No Play”
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison stated last Wednesday that when a vaccine is developed, with a few medical exceptions, 95 percent of the population must get the shot.
Having signed a letter of intent with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and Oxford University, one of five coronavirus vaccine-makers to have reached an advanced stage of clinical trials, Morrison said, “We need the most extensive and comprehensive response to this to get Australia back to normal.”
Health Minister Greg Hunt said they may also force anyone traveling to Australia, including Australians returning to the country, to get vaccinated.
The country’s National Centre for Immunization Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) has established a “no jab, no play” restriction for all children attending school.
The Australian media regularly cite conspiracy theories of groups against forced vaccinations and label any opposition to vaccines an “infodemic.” (The organization’s website has the following line above its prominent logo: “Australia’s Trusted Independent Immunization Experts.”)
TRENDPOST: Having initially locked down the nation five months ago and then relocking down Victoria, as reported, in a nation of 25.5 million people, there have been some 500 deaths, 60 percent of which were from elder care homes. Thus, minus elder care victims, only 40 Australians have died each month from the virus… yet there is a call for mass vaccinations.

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