Auditors from the New York State Comptroller’s Office said they found that the state’s Health Department purposely undercounted the number of nursing home residents who died of COVID-19 to mislead the public.
“The public was misled by those at the highest level of state government through distortion and suppression of the facts when New Yorkers deserved the truth,” Thomas DiNapoli, the comptroller, said. 
The report, which was released Tuesday, found that officials from the health department undercounted the official death toll by 4,100. 
The report pointed out that the department was issuing these false numbers at the same time that disgraced New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo claimed that the state was protecting seniors at these facilities—who are at a higher risk of severe COVID infection. 
TRENDPOST: The Trends Journal has been reporting on these discrepancies and lies since the start of the outbreak. (See “N.Y. NURSING HOME COVID DEATHS: CUOMO CAN’T COUNT,” “KILLER CUOMO: MISREPRESENTED COVID NURSING HOME DEATHS” and “NY NURSING HOME COVID DEATHS ON THE RISE.”)
TRENDPOST: The media and politicians use the bullshit line that low-life scum who put out false numbers “misled” the public.
“Misled”? How about: Dirty, rotten, pieces of crap should go to jail for lying to the public and for their sins against humanity.
Also, not mentioned in any of the articles reporting this elder-care crisis, is that a high percentage of those who have died—and continue to die from COVID 19—are elderly and infirm, but yet, entire populations have been targeted with draconian lockdown mandates that have destroyed the lives and livelihoods of millions. 
This stupidity prevails with the NYC clown playing its “Health Commissioner,” Ashwin Vasan, declaring last week that because children 5 years of age and younger are not vaxxed, they must continue to be masked up!
Hollywood Hero
Former Governor Andrew “Daddy’s Boy” Cuomo—who was once one of the most popular politicians in America and who Hollywood gave an Emmy Award for his lockdown initiatives—helped sick people die. 
Back in March 2020, as the virus was spreading in New York City, Cuomo forced nursing homes to accept patients discharged from hospitals after being treated for COVID-19, which led to thousands of nursing home residents dying from the virus.
The audit, which was 41 pages, found that there were times when the Health Department would underreport nursing home deaths by 50 percent.
The New York Times, citing the report, found that the Cuomo administration tallied only deaths inside these facilities and skipped over those who died inside hospitals. The paper said Cuomo’s team argued that those deaths were still counted in-state numbers. 
The Times pointed to a 3 February 2021 report from the Cuomo administration that had internal data that showed 13,147 deaths among nursing home residents. But the public report only showed 9,076 at the time.
“Our audit findings are extremely troubling,” DiNapoli said. “The public was misled by those at the highest level of state government through distortion and suppression of the facts when New Yorkers deserved the truth.”
TRENDPOST: It is worth pointing out that Gerald Celente and the Trends Journal were among the first in the media to detail Cuomo’s COVID incompetency, even when media outlets—like The New York Times—were pumping him up as a COVID War hero. 
Since he left office, more has emerged about his close relationship with top executives at CNN. (See “PRESSTITUTES AND POLITICIANS PLAY FOR THE SAME TEAM. WAKE UP KIDDIES.”)
A Cuomo spokesperson told CBS2 in a statement, “As the number of out-of-facility deaths was reported last January this is not news, however, what is peculiar is the Comptroller’s release of this audit now—but no one has ever accused him of being above politics.”
The audit claimed that the Health Department “consistently underreported” the number of deaths until 4 February 2021, at about the same time Letitia James, the state’s attorney general, raised the possibility that the death toll could have been underreported by up to 50 percent.
TRENDPOST: We have reported extensively on the rise and fall of Andrew Cuomo. (See “ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER CHARGE OF CUOMO HARASSMENT” and “CNN CLOWN SHOW EXPOSES MEDIA’S POLITICAL TIES.”
As George Carlin, the legendary comic, accurately noted, “It’s one big club, and you ain’t in it.” 
One of the “club’s” members, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, has reaped big rewards during the COVID-19 outbreak that devastated many middle-class New Yorkers.
One of his top hauls was pulling in $5 million for writing his COVID memoir, “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic.” 
The New York Post reported that the state’s Joint Commission on Public Ethics ordered the former governor to return the money he earned from writing the book to his publisher Penguin/Random House.
The paper reported that Cuomo would likely fight the state’s effort to force the return of the funds, which would cost more taxpayer dollars. The report also said that he put “some of the proceeds into an irrevocable trust for his three daughters.” Cuomo promised a court fight.

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