On 4 April, Euronews published the headline: “Number of teenagers seeking psychiatric help soars amid pandemic.”
Child psychiatrist Angele Consoli, who works at a Paris hospital, said since the COVID lockdowns, hospitalizations requiring psychiatric care for those under 15 years of age have gone up by 80 percent.
In Brussels, Marie Delhaye, head of the Belgian juvenile department at Erasmus Hospital, said psychiatric consultations have tripled since last September. Some of the young people needing help will have to wait three months for an appointment.
Eating disorders are among the most dangerous consequences. Professor Delhaye stated,
“We have young people who have lost 20 kg [44 lbs] and whose parents didn’t realize it. The third group is more related to serious depression or even psychosis, with some having a feeling of persecution or paranoia.”
Lockdown Blues Reducing Sex Drives
The Irish media source Extra.ie reported on 27 March: “Depression, tiredness and stress have led to less people having sex.”
Over three-fourths of those surveyed reported having significantly less sex despite spending much more time with partners during the lockdowns:
“The most common factor that has stopped people from having sex is tiredness with 35.7% saying that feeling sleepy has put them off.
Just behind tiredness was mental health with over a third feeling that stress, depression, and anxiety had impacted their sex life.
The age group most affected were young people 18-24, over 40 percent of whom stated that “feelings of anxiety had affected their ability to have sex.”
Americans are Exhausted
A 26 March article by the research website StudyFinds.org featured the headline: “Just 8 percent of Americans feel fully rested after a night of sleep.” 
The survey, conducted by OnePoll of some 2,000, revealed an average of only five hours of sleep each night. Over 60 percent said they couldn’t even recall the feeling of being fully rested. According to the survey, “The majority of Americans (61%) have no problem agreeing that the vicious political and pandemic news cycles have caused them to lose sleep over the past year.”
TRENDPOST: These facts are barely reported by the mainstream media. As we have forecast since the COVID War was launched over a year ago, the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions would be destroyed to fight a virus that, when compared to the people dying each year from air pollution, toxic chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, and artificial ingredients pumped in the earth/water/air/food is minimal.
Thus, those who have profited from the war have been the drug dealers selling their COVID “weapons” and the politicians who have taken control of the citizenry. 

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