By Bradley J. Steiner, American Combato

While lynch mobs cannot be justified, they certainly can be understood. To a decent, civilized human being the taking of a human life for any reason other than self-defense is truly an abomination; an unforgivable, evil crime that demands the elimination of the murderer.

The only rational objection to the death penalty ever advanced in history is that the wrong person might be executed. (We say this should encourage those who can think at all to advocate citizen mastery of self-defense—of course to include firearms, and other weapons. If some piece of s––t is killed by the person whom he intended to murder, WONDERFUL! There can be no question at all the ‘guilt’ or ‘innocence’ of the scum who is killed as he attempts to murder his victim.) 

“Life in prison” means that the tax-paying citizens of the jurisdiction where the scum committed its crime—the very people who the scum chose to victimize!—must fund the sewer animal’s upkeep (to include food, clothing, shelter, education, legal assistance, and lots of miscellany) to a cost that BY FAR exceeds the cost of four years at any top ivy league college, plus graduate school at a university, plus a living wage earned during the animal’s lifetime… should the crawling bacteria manage to survive to a ripe old age (which many in prison do).

This of course is only if the monster is sentenced to “life in prison without the possibility of parole.” If the s––t is paroled, then the citizenry gets to accept the risk of having a murderer loose among them (as if life is not difficult enough without having members of your own species looking to kill you for their personal gratification, fun, or enrichment). 

We personally believe in a swift death sentence for a convicted murderer. We also believe in a swift death sentence for anyone convicted of forcible rape, kidnap, home invasion, drive by shooting, or physically attacking another person for reasons other than self- or defense of another.

Do not wince. We are much more lenient than our (far more sensible) forebears who HANGED horse thieves. We hesitate to put car thieves to death (but we are open to discussion!!!!!). We think that places like Seattle, Washington—where auto thieves must have seven convictions before doing any jail time!—are being absurd. After the second theft we would change our mind and string the bastard up! 

For any society to maintain its civilized, moral integrity, it must be guided to a large degree by just laws. It is not just for anyone to commit murder and get away with it, by the grace of the legal system. AND ANYONE WHO COMMITS MURDER AND WHO IS NOT PUT TO DEATH SWIFTLY FOR HIS CRIME HAS GOTTEN AWAY WITH MURDER. Period.

Do not speak to us about “life in prison” or sentencing someone to multiple life sentences (which to our mind brings the sanity of the court completely into question; not to mention the complete imbecility of the citizenry who feel that “now the bastard will really pay for his crime—with three life sentences!”) We will borrow from the late George Carlin: B U L L – S H I T.

If, God forbid, anyone ever murdered someone we loved, we would want to be the one to torture the murderer(s) to death. The howling screams of agony of anyone who killed our loved one would be like music played by angels, to our ears. And the incinerated remains of this monster—when it finally died—would be mingled with rat droppings before it was heaved into a garbage dumpster or city garbage dump.

And we do not apologize for feeling this way. We assume—we hope—that many, many others share our outrage and indignation when it comes to the mild reprimand that “life in prison”—as a “punishment” for murder—really means. 

We feel immense compassion and sympathy for any victims of violent crime. Our heart goes out to the those who suffer when their loved one—a child, sibling, parent, spouse, or dear friend—is murdered. But we damn to hell those who victimize others and who cause their torment or unjust demise. 

Our philosophy of self-defense reflects our conviction that every decent person who is set upon has the absolute right to defend him or herself, and that violent criminals, by virtue of their actions when they act, have no more “rights” and are entitled to no more consideration, than the Marburg virus. (Look it up).

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