In America, the ”Land of the Censored” where all those are banned from mainstream and social media who don’t buy their line of thinking, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of the late U.S. President John F. Kennedy, had his Instagram account yanked last week by its parent company, Facebook, because he posted “misinformation” about the COVID-19 vaccines. 
Mr. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer and chairman of Children’s Health Defense, a not-for-profit anti-vaccine advocacy, was called out by CNN Presstitute Jake Tapper who labeled Mr. Kennedy a “menace” for calling Dr. Anthony Fauci a “very sinister guy who has turned” America over to “Big Pharma.”
Kennedy’s Instagram account had some 800,000 followers. The company said in a statement it “removed [the] account for repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines.”
An Associated Press report said the account was removed after Facebook was contacted by the Washington Post. Facebook is owned by Mark Zuckerberg, and the Post is owned by Jeff Bezos.
Kennedy was banned after he posted a video called, “Planet Lockdown.” Kennedy told his followers to not trust the mainstream media and “government health officials” who insist the vaccines are safe. He pointed to a woman who died after receiving a jab.
Also, Kennedy called out Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and said the billionaire pushed the vaccine through his philanthropic foundation “to create a new feudalism on this planet.”
He responded to Facebook’s move by saying, “This kind of censorship is counterproductive if our objective is a safe and effective vaccine supply.”
Only permitting their side to be heard and banning anyone who disagrees with their “authorities,” the Facebook Gang pledged to “run the largest worldwide campaign” to promote “authoritative” information about the vaccination drive.
TRENDPOST: The censorship of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. by Facebook was not unexpected. 
In last week’s Trends Journal, we wrote: 
Facebook announced yesterday it will dish out $120 million in free advertising to health departments and non-government organizations that promote getting tested for COVID and getting vaccinated. 
For those who dispute the efficacy of the tests and the safety of the vaccine, the world’s largest social media network said they will censor and banish all who disagree with their beliefs. 
The Facebook monopoly will also promote the “get vaccinated” campaign by providing details from local health departments that direct people where and when they should go to get vaccinated. The promote vax/ban anti-vax Facebook campaign will roll out globally in more than 50 languages, so everyone across the globe will get their message.
TRENDPOST: Unlike the motto of the Trends Journal, “Think for Yourself,” in Slavelandia, U.S.S.A, where media, banks, big businesses, and governments are monopolized and controlled by the “Bigs,” only one point of view – theirs – is permitted.
Unlike the Presstitutes, the Trends Journal has reported extensively on the hard science pros and cons of the COVID vaccination. As publisher Gerald Celente says, “The government and media want you to do what you are told, not question ‘authorities,’ shut up, bend over, and take the shot. Anyone who gets out of line will be canceled and/or shut out.” 
A Pew Research Poll conducted late last year found that 40 percent of Americans are concerned about receiving the vaccine. The Harvard Medical School pointed out that mRNA vaccines were developed rapidly to stop the outbreak’s spread. The report pointed to the 23 deaths in Norway among elderly vaccine recipients and how those fatalities “raised understandable safety concerns.”

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