Leaders speak, Presstitutes parrot them, and the proletariat follow.
Lacking the capacity and courage to Think for Themselves or too cowardly to do so, the same class of masses that Heiled Hitler, saluted Stalin, and marched to Mussolini now obediently believe and obey what’s fed to them by their government masters and media whores who have led them to fight the COVID War.
On 8 September, the Washington Post and the statistical analysis company Qualtrics distributed a nationwide survey from 7 August to 7 September. The goal was to find out how Americans feel about the lockdown restrictions ordered in the vast majority of states.
The result: over 70 percent of Americans are fine with giving up significant freedoms in order to fight the coronavirus.
The survey asked for opinions on the following restrictions:

  • Require people to wear masks in public – or not, out of respect for personal freedom
  • Close nonessential businesses – or not, out of respect for economic freedom
  • Require people to cooperate with contact tracers – or not, out of respect for the right to privacy
  • Require people to stay at home – or not, out of respect for freedom of movement
  • Restrict religious gatherings – or not, because of religious freedom
  • Restrict public demonstrations – or not, because of freedom of speech and assembly
  • Suspend asylum and refugee admissions – or not, protecting human rights
  • Use cellphone data to track the movement of people who test positive for the coronavirus – or not, given a right to privacy

Getting the most support, with a four to one majority, was the requirement that all people wear masks in public.
The second most supported lockdown policy was the shutting down of nonessential businesses.
Looking at six of the freedom impositions: mask mandates, shutting down of nonessential businesses, stay-at-home orders, restrictions on public demonstrations, restrictions on religious gatherings, and cooperating with contact tracers, between 69.4 percent to 78.3 percent of respondents were in favor of less freedom.
The only restriction opposed by a majority of respondents was the use of cellphone data to track infected citizens. Just over 58 percent were against it.
Of the impositions agreed on by a majority, the one with the lowest support level, 60 percent, was the suspension of asylum and refugee admissions.
Political Divide
Freedom restrictions were supported by 74.2 percent of Democrats compared to 61.5 percent of Republicans. While Libertarians agreed the least with the impositions, they still supported them by a slight majority of 52.1 percent.
Independent voters agreed to less freedom by 68 percent.
According to the two persons who analyzed the data for the Washington Post, Rebecca Sanders and Jack Mewhirter, both associate professors of political science at the University of Cincinnati, across party lines, “Those critical of the president are more likely to favor limits on rights and freedoms to protect public health. Accordingly, Republicans critical of Trump are more supportive of restrictive policies than Democrats who approve of his performance.”
Professors Sanders and Mewhirter summed up the overall data: “All this suggests Americans are more willing to trade off rights and freedoms to protect public health than the protests might suggest. The public, on aggregate, is highly concerned about the pandemic and willing to sacrifice to contain it.”
TRENDPOST: Obeying leaders and following orders is, and has been, a global trend for millennia. Starting yesterday, the French government declared that for the next two weeks, Paris is to be placed on maximum COVID-19 alert: restaurants must implement new sanitary protocols to stay open, while bars, gyms, and swimming pools will be closed. 
As with the U.S. and many other nations, the polls show the proles are in favor of marching off to the COVID War: a poll published on Sunday by BFM television showed that 61 percent of people living in Paris and its suburbs support the closing of bars.  
TRENDPOST: Absent from media coverage is that the lockdowns have not worked in nations which have locked down the hardest, while the case rates are down in nations such as Sweden and Belarus where there were not lockdowns.
Furthermore, the amount of days a lockdown persists and the new sanitary regulations imposed on businesses by governments have been issued without supportive scientific evidence.  
For example, why not lockdown for 13 days or 17 days? Why precisely two weeks?  
Indeed, politicians and Presstitutes blame the spike in cases on the people for not obeying their COVID War dictates rather than the failure of government actions that have destroyed millions of lives and businesses around the world and have done nothing to protect those most susceptible of dying from the virus.  
TRENDPOST: With virus cases rising but death rates remaining low, in central Europe, nations such as the Czech Republic are re-introducing state of emergency orders. What should be noted, but is barely reported, is that the longer and harder nation’s lock down, the less taxes governments will collect. 
Again, as we have illustrated, the politicians who launched the COVID War – just as with politicians who launched other wars – have no exit strategy to end it. Thus, dire suffering and long implications of their draconian actions will continue to create severe socioeconomic damage.
As a result of the revenue shortfalls, governments will raise taxes, which in turn will be a major platform for new anti-establishment political parties that will be forming across the globe.

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