In America, the so-called “Land of the Free,” the security apparatus at the U.S. Capitol that was put together in response to the 6 January riot will remain in place through at least the spring.
The New York Times reported that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin signed off on a plan to keep about 2,300 National Guard troops in place at the Capitol. The paper said the measure will cost $521 million to continue through May.
On 19 January, the Trends Journal ran the article, “RAND PAUL: CAPITOL SECURITY ‘RIDICULOUS’ AFTER RIOT,” which explained political backlash the Biden administration received from Republican members of Congress who called the measures politically-motivated and excessive. These lawmakers accuse Democrats of using these troops to score political points and to remind the public about the 6 January riot that broke out there.
CNN, citing unnamed sources, reported on Friday that leaders in Congress are considering a $2 billion package to “bolster security around the US Capitol and shore up vulnerabilities.” The report said the bill would include a permanent fence around the building and the hiring of hundreds of new security officers.
Republicans such as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has been critical of Lt. Gen. Russell Honoré, who was tapped by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate the failings on the day of the attack. 
McCarthy said, “I don’t think Honoré should have been in charge of this, based upon his comments, not long ago but short ago. He had a preconceived notion that was wrong, so I discussed regarding a report entirely because of that.”
TRENDPOST: Long forgotten in America was the inauguration of Joseph Biden in Washington, D.C. this past January, which was locked down and patrolled by nearly 30,000 U.S. military under the guise there would be domestic terrorists that would violently disrupt his swearing-in.
We note this to exemplify how the fish rots from the head down. The loss of freedom and complete militarization of the nation’s Capitol is representative of the loss of Constitutional and Bill of Rights imposed upon citizens throughout the nation, as exemplified by the Executive Order lockdowns in the surveillance state of America.

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