As we have forecast, and is now a fact, as the global economy declines, crime and violence will rise.
“When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.”
By the escalation of crime rates across the globe, they are losing it.
Beyond how to survive and thrive economically during the “Greatest Depression,” as conditions deteriorate, it may be a fight for your life.
When the fight breaks out in the real world, it’s not like what you see in the movies or on TV.
The following article by Bradley J. Steiner is a close combat lesson on how to fight for your life if you are attacked.
Please note the article contains strong graphic content.
Some people may find it not their cup of tea, and they may not want to read it.  For men and women who want to read on, it is a true close combat lesson of survival. 
In reality, of course, it is insane to become embroiled in physical violence of any kind unless a situation is desperate. I want to get the point across, however, of just how dangerous and serious the information about physical self-defense is that I am going to describe in this article.
Very few people have the discipline, interest, time, energy, enthusiasm, and determination to train to the level of black belt proficiency in a quality martial art.
Over the years since the inception of my system in 1975, American Combato (Jen•Do•Tao), I estimate I have trained well over 5,000 individuals. Of these, fewer than 50 have been graded at 1st degree black belt. Frankly, I think that’s a lot!
To reach black belt level in my system, you would need to devote, at the very least, about three years’ time in a combination of class drill attendance (at least three times a week) and private lessons (at least twice a month). The more likely time frame for a statistically average student (“average” only in the time he takes to reach black belt) is six to eight years. That’s 1st degree black belt.
There is a total of three “learning grades” of black belt, during which new material is taught; and then there are successive black belts through 9th degree. These are awarded for loyalty and contributions to the Art and for contributing to its furtherance.
Only one person holds that rank: Prof. Mark Bryans, who has distinguished himself not merely as the finest student any teacher could possibly dream of, but also as a professional-level teacher who has produced some outstanding black belts himself. This is not to mention countless students who, although not black belts, are nevertheless competent, capable, and confident practitioners of our Art.
No one undertaking the study of American Combato need be discouraged by the time required to achieve black belt. The individual in good health and of average strength and agility can expect to attain a practical level of ability (normally more than enough to handle most types of violent attack) within five to nine months of serious training.
I would like to address any and all decent human beings who may want to know the speediest and most-likely-to-be-effective tactical conduct they might learn right now. Certainly, I am speaking about a minimum skill level, and, frankly, a very helpful but hardly complete skill-set. Still… I am going to describe some very useful stuff. I am directing this to those who are concerned about what they can do now, before they acquire a good level of combative ability.
It is my sincere hope that everyone reading this will, if he hasn’t already, taken steps to train seriously in a modern, comprehensive combative method. Even if the reader chooses a system other than mine, I strongly urge him or her to immerse in quality training, and really work hard to achieve solid ability and confidence. My wish is that you become a veritable nightmare for any of the predatory trash who might decide to attack you.
Two key targets of the human body – any human body – are the EYES and the THROAT. They are equally desirable and, when attacked with fierce power, speed, accuracy, and determination, reliable in bringing a halt to even the most determined aggressor.
But they must be attacked properly. And reluctance on your part “not to do too much damage” may negate the effect of these attacks and merely raise the assailant’s determination to harm you. DROP ALL CONCEPTS OF MERCY, SYMPATHY, FOREBEARANCE, RESTRAINT, AND COMPASSION when it comes to self-defense.
Step #1 is to make up your mind that yes, it really can happen to you; and when or if it ever does happen to you, you are going to go after your attacker like a wild animal, 100 percent out-of-the-starting gate! You will literally explode with the same desperation and force that you would exert in order to escape a burning building. Without this mindset, I will be honest and tell you that nothing will likely save you, no matter how extensively skilled you might be physically and technically.
WARNING: Violent, all-out, unrestrained attacks with bare hands or objects to the eyes or throat may result in death and will almost always result in severe injury.
Target: Eyes
Whenever possible, always try to launch your attack by surprise. Give your assailant misleading cues. Bring your hands up in a pleading gesture (in order to get them closer to the desired targets, but seemingly in an act of surrender). Now, suddenly combine a blood-curdling shout with the most hideous grimace you are capable of and….
Drive your extended fingers directly into the assailant’s eyes. Try to go through his head with your thrust. You must remember that the human eye is tough, the blink reflex is fast, and a slight little “poke” will at best only provide a brief distraction. You want to damage that attacker’s eyes, rob him at least temporarily of his sight, and create an opening for yourself to escape the situation you are in.
In a situation where escape may not be feasible (i.e. in an elevator that has been stopped), you want to give yourself, via your fierce eye attack, the opportunity to kick and pound your assailant into unconsciousness and avoid being murdered or raped.
If you form your hand like a waiter holding a tray or a shot-putter holding a shot – i.e. hand flexed back, fingers open and clawed, and held rigid – another method of attacking an assailant’s eyes is possible. Thrust that clawed hand straight into his face, letting your fingertips hit his eyes, and your palm smash into his nose. This blow is called the “tiger’s claw” and was regarded by several of the top military experts during WW II as the best all-round solution to any frontal attack. (An entire Chinese ch’uan fa “kung fu” system, the Fu Jow Pai System, is built around the “tiger’s claw.”)
Up close – especially for ladies – the double thumb gouge attack is an excellent technique. Pretend to caress your would-be rapist’s face – gently. Perhaps give him a kiss. Convince him that you want to cooperate with him, and he will get no resistance from you. Then suddenly jam both thumbs hard into the inside corners of the attacker’s eyes. If you can, insert your middle fingers into his ears, and now clutching his head and eyes in a manner similar to how a bowling ball is secured, DIG THOSE THUMBS DEEP AND WITH ALL OF YOUR STRENGTH AND GOUGE OUTWARD. The direct gauge forward may penetrate to the brain; the gouge outward may tear the eyes out. In either case, your attacker will lose all interest in continuing his onslaught. Combining this thumb gouge with repeated knee blows to the testicles is always a good tactic, if this is applied while standing.
Stab any umbrella tip, key, pencil or pen, letter opener, scissor, kitchen knife, utility or pocket knife blade, etc., powerfully into an attacker’s eye(s) when and if you happen to have such an object at hand.
Always shout like a crazed animal and grimace and advance into your attacker when defending yourself.
Target: Throat
The little-finger-edge-of-the-hand is a tried and proven “natural weapon” for attacking the throat. From a seemingly terrified position as described, whip a sudden, powerful chop of the edge of your hand directly into your attacker’s throat. Or chop the side of his neck (low and toward the front) hitting his carotid artery. Windpipe blows done right are fatal. Carotid artery blows are knockout shots (and possibly fatal if the recipient has cardiovascular problems, but don’t give this a second thought during an attack! Heart patients should not be violent offenders, heh, heh! Bad career choice.)
Attack the throat by seizing the windpipe in a pincher-like grip, hard, and while securing that grip, yank outward.
Hit the throat with a hard jab of the middle knuckles, using a half-closed “fist.” Always hit hard!
A stick, book, dinner plate, etc., all make excellent objects with which to strike into an attacker’s throat or neck.
Now you know what to do today if someone threatens your life.
Don’t abuse the knowledge… but don’t ever forget it, either.
by Bradley J. Steiner

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