The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency faced criticism last Wednesday after approving a weed killer for another five years despite it being blamed for damaging millions of U.S. crops.
The Wall Street Journal reported the dicamba herbicides have been embraced by some farmers as being an effective tool that kills weeds which have developed resistance to other pesticides.
The weed killer is used on cotton and soybean crops, Ecowatch.com reported. The Hill, citing a study by researchers from the National Cancer Institute, said the product has been linked to liver and bile duct cancers.
The weed killer, produced by Bayer AG and BASF SE, has been criticized by some farmers who claim it has a tendency to evaporate and spread in the wind, which jeopardizes other crops.
“At this point, the EPA has shown such callous indifference to the damage dicamba has caused to farmers and wildlife alike, and has been so desperate to appease the pesticide industry, it has zero credibility when it comes to pesticide safety,” Nathan Donley, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity, in a statement, according to The Hill. 
TRENDPOST: We note this article to further illustrate how our food, water, and air are being poisoned with trillions of tons of chemicals, pesticides, artificial ingredients, big pharma drug residues, etc., that we breathe, drink, and eat.
Yet, much of the world is locked down by politicians to stop the spread of COVID, which has killed a tiny fraction of the victims murdered by those who deploy deadly toxins… that politicians permit and support.

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