In the many articles I’ve written for the Trends Journal runs a common theme:
The current system is completely dependent on the acquisition of exponential debt. 
“Exponential” because just to maintain the current environment, debt must be increased exponentially. If, for example, the rate that debt is being created remained static, the current economic environment would immediately deteriorate. Without exponential debt, the entire global financial system would melt down in a matter of not days, but hours. 
The development and implementation of the current debt-based system enforced by the Federal Reserve in America – and the same for every other nation governed by a central bank – is to function on ever-increasing debt, which must be introduced into the system in perpetuity. In other words, if the Federal Reserve were prevented from issuing a single dollar more debt, just a single dollar, the entire system would collapse.
Enter the New Paradigm
The magnitude of debt that now must be introduced into the system, due to the deliberate shutdown of the global economy, has to, by design, explode. Moreover, every manner of excuse will be created by world leaders to sell the public on the idea that “now is not the time to worry about debt” and “some action must be done to save the economy.” 
Adding more massive debt onto the back of an already debt-saturated nation and debt-overburdened populace is the same as trying to save a drowning man by pouring more water on him!
Below is a chart from the Federal Reserve’s website, which shows that in 2020, the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet nearly doubled… IN ONE YEAR.

The Federal Reserve has fulfilled its destiny of becoming the buyer and lender of last resort, and it is in the process of a worldwide takeover. Today, the Fed is involved in what is called “Dollar Swaps” with other central banks around the world, effectively “dollarizing the world.”
This “dollarizing scheme” is creating more dollar dependency, even beyond that of the petrodollar system, which is the backbone of the dollar being the world reserve currency.
MARKET FORECAST: 2021 will be the year of a global debt expansion cycle the likes of which has never been seen before… which will propel and consolidate enormous power in the hands of very few: the central banks.
by Gregory Mannarino, TradersChoice.net

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