The below tweets by two Danish citizens tells the story:
“GOOD NEWS! After 9 days of banging pots and pans outside parliament the epidemic law is SCAPPED. PROTESTING WORKS: DO IT!”
In Denmark, the national government proposed a new epidemic law which includes the right to conduct forced physical exams, mandate isolation, and allows police-directed physically coerced vaccination. The people resisted. The proposal was dropped. Well done, Denmark.”
The Danish government was set to enact a new law that would have given it power to not only enforce mandatory quarantines but forcibly inject citizens with vaccines for COVID-19.
After nine straight days of loud protests, the law has been scrapped.
According to the European digital news service The Local, the proposed law was to include:

  • “People infected with dangerous diseases can be forcibly given medical examination, hospitalized, treated and placed in isolation.”
  • “The Danish Health Authority would be able to define groups of people who must be vaccinated in order to contain and eliminate a dangerous disease.”
  • “People who refuse the above can – in some situations – be coerced through physical detainment, with police allowed to assist.”

In addition to citizen outrage, the proposed law caused concern among Danish physicians and medical personnel. Camilia Rathcke, President of the Danish Medical Association, stated, “We think these are regulations that go too far and ought to be changed” and added that the government was clearly “overstepping boundaries for individual patients.”
Other medical experts questioned the aspect of the proposed law, which would give decision-making power on what is referred to as a “principle of caution,” which does not require conclusive scientific evidence.
Louise Holck, Director of the Danish Institute for Human Rights, told The Local that “the larger the intervention in public rights, the larger certainty there should be over the effect of it.”
The law also would have made it mandatory that individual businesses and organizations provide government authorities with information about the movements of individuals.
U.K. Won’t Rule Out Forced Vaccinations
As reported by The Telegraph, on 16 November, the U.K.’s Health Secretary Matt Hancock stated that while there are no current plans to require that everyone get vaccinated, he “refused to rule out mandatory inoculation” and that the government would “have to watch what happens and make judgements accordingly.” 
Also on 16 November, the Huffington Post reported that Tom Tugendhat, former Lt. Colonel who is a member of Parliament currently serving as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said in an interview he “certainly sees the day” when people are banned from their work places as well as from entering pubs and restaurants unless they have been vaccinated.
Fauci: “COVID-19 Vaccine Won’t be Mandatory in U.S.”
At a 19 August video talk produced by George Washington University, Dr. Anthony Fauci, lead member of the White House coronavirus task force, stated, “You don’t want to mandate and try and force anyone to take a vaccine. We’ve never done that.”  
Dr. Fauci added, however, “You can mandate for certain groups of people like health workers, but for the general population you can’t… It would be unenforceable and not appropriate.” 
As an example of a group that will be required to take the vaccine, he cited the National Institutes of Health, where health workers can’t treat patients without a flu shot.
As reported by the website Medical Xpress, “This however doesn’t prevent states from making a vaccine mandatory for children to attend school, as is already the case for certain diseases such as measles, though some are exempt for medical or religious reasons.”
TRENDPOST: Despite Dr. Fauci’s statement last August that a COVID-19 vaccination won’t be mandatory in the U.S., there is already a movement in New York towards forced injections. 
As we reported, on 7 November, the state bar of N.Y. passed a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination recommendation. While there are limiting conditions mentioned, such as the state should only consider making taking the shot a requirement if voluntary vaccinations fall short of satisfying population immunity, who decides what a safe level of immunity is?  
And as routinely detailed in the Trends Journal, autocratic, power-thirsty governors like Andrew Cuomo have shown no holding back when it comes to sowing fear and anxiety among their citizens and imposing harsh lockdowns that rob us of our freedoms.
However, as demonstrated in Denmark were the people over ruled the government, and as with the protests in France that we note in this Trends Journal, which forced its leader to backtrack on a law that would have robbed the people of more of their rights, what governments fear the most, and which, as evidenced, they cannot defeat, is the true power of the people.
As Samuel Adams said, “It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather and irate, tireless minority, keen on stetting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
One of our Top Trends for 2021 is “Freedom, Peace & Justice.” We forecast that as economic conditions deteriorate and governments attempt to impose more freedom-robbing legislation to quiet the masses, anti-establishment protests will erupt across the globe. 

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